Considering Rendering Algorithms for In Situ Visualization
Matthew Larsen
Committee: Hank Childs (chair), Allen Malony, Boyana Norris
Area Exam(Jan 2016)
Keywords: Rendering, In Situ, Scientific Visualization

A diverse set of goals drive rendering algorithm research. The gaming industry, hardware manufacturers, and the film industry all contribute to this research. The field of scientific visualization uses methods from both as well developing its own. However, a portion of these algorithms may no longer be applicable as we move to exascale. The I/O gap is forcing scientific visualization to in situ based systems, and the in situ environment, at scale, is one of limited resources (i.e., time and memory). As a result, design decisions for different rendering algorithm implementations that were appropriate today may not be for in situ systems. In this paper, we survey the current research in rendering, then present a qualitative analysis based on in situ exascale use cases.