LaRCS: A Language for Describing Parallel Computations for the Purpose of Mapping
Virginia Lo, Sanjay Rajopadhye, Moataz A. Mohamed, Samik Gupta, Bill Nitzberg, Jan Arne Telle, Xiaoxiong Zhong
Technical Report(May 1990)

LaRCS is a graph description language which enables the programmer of paral­lel algorithms to specify information about the static and temporal communication behavior of parallel algorithms. The information contained in a LaRCS program is used for the mapping problem: to assign tasks in the parallel computation to processors, and to route inter-task messages along the links of the interconnec­tion network. Many practical algorithms exhibit regular communication patterns and LaRCS provides a. mechanism for describing this regularity in a compact, pa­rameterized manner. Static communication topology is expressed in LaRCS code through node labels and simple communication functions on the nodes. Temp­ral communication behavior is represented by a notation we have developed called phase expressions.This paper introduces the LaRCS language and compares La.RCS with several existing graph description languages. We introduce a new graph theoretic model of parallel computation based on LaRCS called the Temporal Communication Graph; and we show how information provided by La.RCS plays an important role in map­ping.