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S. Shende and A. D. Malony, "Integration and Application of the TAU Performance System in Parallel Java Environments," Proceedings of the Joint ACM Java Grande - ISCOPE 2001 Conference, pp. 87-96, June 2001.

Keywords: TAU, Profiling, Tracing, Java, MPI, JVMPI, Instrumentation, Measurement

Parallel Java environments present challenging problems for performance tools because of Javas rich language system and its multi-level execution platform combined with the integration of native-code application libraries and parallel runtime software. In addition to the desire to provide robust performance measurement and analysis capabilities for the Java language itself, the coupling of different software execution contexts under a uniform performance model needs careful consideration of how events of interest are observed and how cross-context parallel execution information is linked. This paper relates our experience in extending the TAU performance system to a parallel Java environment based on mpiJava. We describe the complexities of the instrumentation model used, how performance measurements are made, and the overhead incurred. A parallel Java application simulating the game of Life is used to show the performance systems capabilities.


Modified: Wed Feb 18 17:30:23 2004
Created: Mon Mar 12 15:34:28 2001

Current Collection: Conferences and Workshops
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