ICSE 2009: ICSE09
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31st International
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31st International Conference on Software Engineering, Vancouver, Canada, May 16-24, 2009.   Sign up for announcements!

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Main Conference Schedule

Wednesday - Main Conference Schedule

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Wednesday, 20 May 2009

8:30-10:30 — Plenary Session
Conference opening: General Chair
Steve McConnell Keynote
Grand Ballroom Salon A, B, & C
11-12:30 — Parallel sessions
Research: Collaborative Development
Session Chair: Andre van der Hoek
Grand Ballroom Salon A

Predicting Build Failures Using Social Network Analysis on Developer Communication
T. Wolf, A. Schröter, D. Damian, T. Nguyen

How Tagging Helps Bridge the Gap between Social and Technical Aspects in Software Development
C. Treude, M. Storey

Tesseract: Interactive Visual Exploration of Socio-Technical Relationships in Software Development
A. Sarma, L. Maccherone, P. Wagstrom, J. Herbsleb
Research: Debugging
Session Chair: Barbara Ryder
Grand Ballroom Salon F

HOLMES: Effective Statistical Debugging via Efficient Path Profiling
T. Chilimbi, B. Liblit, K. Mehra, A. Nori, K. Vaswani

Taming Coincidental Correctness: Coverage Refinement with Context Patterns to Improve Fault Localization
X. Wang, S.C. Cheung, W.K. Chan, Z. Zhang

Lightweight Fault-Localization Using Multiple Coverage Types
R. Santelices, J.A. Jones, Y. Yu, M.J. Harrold
Research: Software Quality and Metrics
Session Chair: Massimiliano Di Penta

Succession: Measuring Transfer of Code and Developer Productivity
A. Mockus

Predicting Faults Using the Complexity of Code Changes
A.E. Hassan

A Case-study on Using an Automated In-Process Software Engineering Measurement and Analysis System in an Industrial Environment
I.D. Coman, A. Sillitti, G. Succi
New Ideas and Emerging Results
(Special Presentation Style)
Grand Ballroom Salon C

Codebook: Social Networking Over Code
A. Begel, R. DeLine

Creating and Evolving Software by Searching, Selecting and Synthesizing Relevant Source Code
D. Poshyvanyk, M. Grechanik

Detecting Inefficient API Usage
D. Kawrykow, M. Robillard

Mining Recurrent Activities: Fourier Analysis of Change Events
A. Hindle, M.W. Godfrey, R.C. Holt

Towards a Framework for Law-Compliant Software Requirements
A. Siena, J. Mylopoulos, A. Perini, A. Susi

How Do System Architectures Affect Software Requirements?
J. Miller, R. Ferrari, N.H. Madhavji

The Marketplace of User Interface Real Estate
L. Troiano, G. Canfora

SecondWATCH: a Workspace Awareness Tool based on a 3-D Virtual World
E. Ye, L.A. Neiman, H.Q. Dinh, C. Liu

The Inference Validity Problem in Legal Discovery
R.E.K. Stirewalt, L.K. Dillon, E.T. Kraemer

Improving Bug Tracking Systems
T. Zimmermann, R. Premraj, J. Sillito, S. Breu
SEIP: Complex systems
Grand Ballroom Salon B

Model Checking Flight Control Systems: The Airbus Experience
T. Bochot, P. Virelizier, H. Waeselynck, V. Wiels

Extracting, Specifying and Predicting Software System Properties in Component Based Real-Time Embedded Software Development
J.E. Kim, O. Rogalla, S. Kramer, A. Haman

Experience with Modularity in an Advanced Teleconferencing Service Deployment
E. Cheung, T.M. Smith
Formal Research Demonstrations: Software Development Assistance
Session Chair: Jonathan Maletic

UEMan: A Tool to Manage User Evaluation in Development Environments
S.R. Humayoun, Y. Dubinsky, T. Catarci

TranStrL: An Automatic Need-to-Translate String Locator for Software Internationalization
X. Wang, L. Zhang, T. Xie, H. Mei, J. Sun

SmartTutor: Creating IDE-Based Interactive Tutorials via Editable Replay
Y. Zhang, G. Huang, N. Zhang, H. Mei
2-3:30 — Parallel sessions
Research: Dynamic Adaptation
Session Chair: Sebastian Uchitel
Grand Ballroom Salon A

Using Quantitative Analysis to Implement Autonomic IT Systems
R. Calinescu, M. Kwiatkowska

Model Evolution by Runtime Adaptation
I. Epifani, C. Ghezzi, R. Mirandola, G. Tamburrelli

Taming Dynamically Adaptive Systems Using Models and Aspects
B. Morin, O. Barais, G. Nain, J.M. Jézéquel
Research: Program Analysis I
Session Chair: Shing-Chi Cheung

Accurate Interprocedural Null-Dereference Analysis for Java
M.G. Nanda, S. Sinha

The Road Not Taken: Estimating Path Execution Frequency Statically
R. Buse, W.R. Weimer

Automatic Dimension Inference and Checking for Object-Oriented Programs
S. Hangal, M. Lam
Research: Components
Session Chair: Klaus Pohl
Grand Ballroom Salon F

In-Field Healing of Integration Problems with COTS Components
H. Chang, L. Mariani, M. Pezzè

Modular String-Sensitive Permission Analysis with Demand-Driven Precision
E. Geay, M. Pistoia, T. Tateishi, B. Ryder, J. Dolby

License Integration Patterns: Addressing Licenses Mismatches in Component-Based Development
D.M. German, A.E. Hassan
SEIP: Refactoring and Tools
Grand Ballroom Salon B

Refactoring Big Balls of Mud
P. Adamczyk, A. Zambrano, F. Balaguer

Experience Report: Using Tools and Domain Expertise to Remediate Architectural Violations in the LogicBlox Software Base
R.E.K. Stirewalt, S. Rugaber, H.Y. Hsu, D. Zook

Functional Abstractions for testing Repository-Style Information Systems
P. Salvaneschi
Technical Briefing (TB1)
Grand Ballroom Salon C

Software Governance
SCORE presentations by student-team finalists
Session Chair: Dino Mandrioli and Mehdi Jazayeri
4-5:30 — Parallel sessions
Research: Web Applications
Session Chair: Wolfgang Emmerich
Grand Ballroom Salon A

Automatic Creation of SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting Attacks
A. Kiezun, P.J. Guo, K. Jayaraman, M.D. Ernst

Invariant-Based Automatic Testing of AJAX User Interfaces
A. Mesbah, A. van Deursen
Winner of ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Papers Award
Research: Development Tools
Session Chair: Holger Giese
Grand Ballroom Salon F

FeatureHouse: Language-Independent, Automated Software Composition
S. Apel, C. Kaestner, C. Lengauer

Automatically Capturing Source Code Context of NL-Queries for Software Maintenance and Reuse
E. Hill, L. Pollock, K. Vijay-Shanker

Semantics-Based Code Search
S.P. Reiss
New Ideas and Emerging Results
(Special Presentation Style)
Grand Ballroom Salon C

Integrating Sustainability in Decision-Making Processes: A Modelling Strategy
J. Cabot, S. Easterbrook, J. Horkoff, J. Mazón, L. Lessard, S. Liaskos

High-level Multicore Programming with XJava
F. Otto, V. Pankratius, W.F. Tichy

Automated Substring Hole Analysis
Y. Adler, E. Farchi, M. Klausner, D. Pelleg, O. Raz, M. Shochat, S. Ur, A. Zlotnick

Improving the Reliability of Mobile Software Systems through Continuous Analysis and Proactive Reconfiguration
S. Malek, R. Roshandel, D. Kilgore, I. Elhag

Multi-Dimensional Service Compositions
L. Baresi, E.D. Nitto, S. Guinea, S. Dustdar

Towards Safer Composition
A. Classen, P. Heymans, T.T. Thun, B. Nuseibeh

Genetics as a Role Model for Software Variability Management
D. Dhungana, I. Groher

Promoting Evolution by Abstracting Over Implementation Structure
D. Lievens, T. Walsh, D. Dahlem, W. Harrison

Test Selection for Result Inspection via Mining Predicate Rules
W. Zheng, M. Lyu, T. Xie

From System Specifications to Component Behavioral Models
I. Krka, G. Edwards, Y. Brun, N. Medvidovic

Design Tests: An Approach to Programmatically Check your Code Against Design Rules
J. Brunet, D. Guerrero, J. Figueiredo
SCORE presentations by student-team finalists
Session Chair: Dino Mandrioli and Mehdi Jazayeri
SEIP: Agile and Process
Grand Ballroom Salon B

Improving Quality, One Process Change At a Time
C. Pinheiro, F. Maurer, J. Sillito

Using a Validation Model to Measure the Agility of Software Development in a Large Software Development Organization
M. Ikoma, M. Ooshima, T. Tanida, M. Oba, S. Sakai

WEAVE: WEb Applications Validation Environment
S. Rajan, O. Tkachuk, M. Prasad, I. Ghosh, N. Goel, T. Uehara
Formal Research Demonstrations: Testing and Fault Localization
Session Chair: Andreas Zeller

A Toolset for Automated Failure Analysis
L. Mariani, F. Pastore, M. Pezzè

JUnitMX: A Change-aware Unit Testing Tool
J. Wloka, B. Ryder, F. Tip

Exploiting the Synergy between Automated-Test-Generation and Programming-by-Contract
M. Barnett, M. Fahndrich, P. de Halleux, F. Logozzo, N. Tillmann
Evening Events
SIGSOFT Town Hall meeting
Reception and posters

Thursday - Main Conference Schedule

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Thursday, 21 May 2009

8:45-10:30 — Plenary Session
Conference update: General Chair
Carlo Ghezzi Keynote
Grand Ballroom Salon A, B, & C
11-12:30 — Parallel sessions
Research: Modeling
Session Chair: Betty H.C. Cheng
Grand Ballroom Salon A

Reasoning About Edits to Feature Models
T. Thüm, D. Batory, C. Kästner

Learning Operational Requirements from Goal Models
D. Alrajeh, J. Kramer, A. Russo, S. Uchitel

Complete and Accurate Clone Detection in Graph-based Models
N.H. Pham, H.A. Nguyen, J.M. Al-Kofahi, T.T. Nguyen, T.N. Nguyen
Research: Maintenance
Session Chair: Martin Robillard
Grand Ballroom Salon B

How We Refactor, and How We Know It
E. Murphy-Hill, C. Parnin, A. Black
Winner of ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Papers Award

The Secret Life of Bugs: Going Past the Errors and Omissions in Software Repositories
J. Aranda, G. Venolia

Discovering and Representing Systematic Code Changes
M. Kim, D. Notkin
SEIP: Testing (Telecom)

Automatic GUI Test Generation for Smartphone Applications -- an Evaluation
A. Jääskeläinen, M. Katara, A. Kervinen, M. Maunumaa, T. Pääkkönen, T. Takala, H. Virtanen

Case Study: How Analysis of Customer Found Defects Can Be Used by System Test to Improve Quality
E. Moritz

Extended eTVRA vs. Security Checklist: Experiences in a Value-Web
A. Morali, E. Zambon, S.H. Houmb, K. Sallhammar, S. Etalle
Formal Research Demonstrations: Program Comprehension
Session Chair: Christoph Csallner

CocoViz with Ambient Audio Software Exploration
S. Boccuzzo, H.C. Gall

ConcernLines: A Timeline View of Co-Occurring Concerns
C. Treude, M.A. Storey

Alitheia Core: An extensible software quality monitoring platform
G. Gousios, D. Spinellis
SEIP: Testing (Medical)
Grand Ballroom Salon F

An Open Test Bed for Medical Device Integration and Coordination
A. King, S. Procter, D. Andresen, J. Hatcliff, S. Warren, W. Spees, R. Jetley, P. Jones, S. Weininger

Improving Software Risk Management in a Medical Device Company
F. Mc Caffery, J. Burton, I. Richardson

Automated Testing of Healthcare Document Transformations in the PICASSO Interoperability Platform
M. Pascale, M. Roselli, U. Rugani, C. Bartolini, A. Bertolino, F. Lonetti, E. Marchetti, A. Polini
Technical Briefing (TB2)
Session Chair: Gerald Kaefer
Grand Ballroom Salon C

Green SE: Ideas for Including Energy Efficiency into your Software Projects
2-3:30 — Parallel sessions
SEIP: Predicting Defects and SEIP-Keynote on Video Game Industry
Grand Ballroom Salon B

Predicting Defects in SAP Java Code: An Experience Report
T. Holschuh, M. Päuser, K. Herzig, T. Zimmermann, R. Premraj, A. Zeller

Reflecting on Development Processes in the Video Game Industry
A. Brownsword
Research: Program Comprehension
Session Chair: Margaret-Anne Storey

Improving API Documentation Usability with Knowledge Pushing
U. Dekel, J.D. Herbsleb

Listening to Programmers - Taxonomies and Characteristics of Comments in Operating System Code
Y. Padioleau, L. Tan, Y.Y. Zhou
Research: Code Generation and Transformation
Session Chair: Frank Tip
Grand Ballroom Salon A

Equality and Hashing for (almost) Free: Generating Implementations from Abstraction Functions
D. Rayside, Z. Benjamin, R. Singh, J.P. Near, A.l. Milicevic, D. Jackson

Locating Need-to-Translate Constant Strings for Software Internationalization
X. Wang, L. Zhang, T. Xie, H. Mei, J. Sun

Automatically Finding Patches Using Genetic Programming
W. Weimer, T.V. Nguyen, C. Le Goues, S. Forrest
Winner of IFIP TC2 Manfred Paul Award and ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Papers Award
Grand Ballroom Salon F

Carving and Replaying Differential Unit Test Cases from System Test Cases
S. Elbaum

Do Crosscutting Concerns Cause Defects?
M. Eaddy

Tools and Experiments Supporting a Testing-based Theory of Component Composition
D. Hamlet
Special Green Session
Session Chair: Steve Easterbrook
Grand Ballroom Salon C

Software Engineering for the Planet
Formal Research Demonstrations: Web services
Session Chair: Sarfraz Khurshid

ContextServ: A Platform for Rapid and Flexible Development of Context-Aware Web Services
Q.Z. Sheng, S. Pohlenz, J. Yu, H.S. Wong, A.H.H. Ngu, Z. Maamar

REMAN: a Pro-active Reputation Management Infrastructure for Composite Web Services
D. Bianculli, W. Binder, M.L. Drago, C. Ghezzi

ITACA: An Integrated Toolbox for the Automatic Composition and Adaptation of Web Services
J. Cámara, J.A. Martín, G. Salaün, J. Cubo, M. Ouederni, C. Canal, E. Pimentel
4-5:30 — Plenary Session
Awards and MIP paper presentation
Grand Ballroom Salon A, B, & C

Most Influential Paper: N Degrees of Separation: Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns
P. Tarr, H. Ossher, W. Harrison, S.M. Sutton Jr

IFIP TC2 Manfred Paul Award: Automatically Finding Patches Using Genetic Programming
Weimer, Nguyen, Le Goues, Forrest

ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award

ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award

ACM SIGSOFT Influential Educator Award

ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper awards
Evening Events
Banquet: Vancouver Aquarium in Stanley Park

Friday - Main Conference Schedule

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Friday, 22 May 2009

8:45-10:30 — Plenary Session
Conference update: General Chair
Pamela Zave Keynote
Grand Ballroom Salon A, B, & C
11-12:30 — Parallel sessions
Research: Concurrency
Session Chair: Sebastian Elbaum
Grand Ballroom Salon B

FlexSync: An aspect-oriented approach to Java synchronization
C. Zhang

Effective Static Deadlock Detection
M. Naik, C.S. Park, K. Sen, D. Gay
Winner of ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Papers Award

Refactoring Sequential Java Code for Concurrency
D. Dig, J. Marrero, M. Ernst
Research: Testing I
Session Chair: Lionel Briand
Grand Ballroom Salon A

Maintaining and Evolving GUI-Directed Test Scripts
M. Grechanik, Q. Xie, C. Fu

MINTS: A General Framework and Tool for Supporting Test-Suite Minimization
H.Y. Hsu, A. Orso
SCORE wrap-up session
Session Chair: Dino Mandrioli and Mehdi Jazayeri
Grand Ballroom Salon F
Formal Research Demonstrations: From Requirements to Architecture
Session Chair: Bernd Fischer
Grand Ballroom Salon C

Feedback-Driven Requirements Engineering: The Heuristic Requirements Assistant
E. Knauss, D. Lübke, S. Meyer

Ævol: A tool for Defining and Planning Architecture Evolution
D. Garlan, B. Schmerl

Tesseract: Interactive Environment for Exploration of Project Relationships
L. Maccherone, A. Sarma, P. Wagstrom, J. Herbsleb
2-3:30 — Parallel sessions
Technical Briefing (TB3)
Grand Ballroom Salon C

Multicore Software Engineering
Research: Testing II
Session Chair: Antonia Bertolino
Grand Ballroom Salon A

WISE: Automated Test Generation for Worst-Case Complexity
J. Burnim, S. Juvekar, K. Sen

Taint-Based Directed Whitebox Fuzzing
V. Ganesh, T. Leek, M. Rinard
Research: Model Synthesis
Session Chair: Mauro Pezze
Grand Ballroom Salon B

Synthesizing Intensional Behavior Models by Graph Transformation
C. Ghezzi, A. Mocci, M. Monga

Analyzing Critical Process Models through Behavior Model Synthesis
C. Damas, B. Lambeau, F. Roucoux, A. van Lamsweerde

Validation of Contracts using Enabledness Preserving Finite State Abstractions
G. de Caso, V. Braberman, D. Garbervetsky, S. Uchitel
Formal Research Demonstrations: Differences and Similarities
Session Chair: Andrew Begel
Grand Ballroom Salon F

Ldiff: An Enhanced Line Differencing Tool
G. Canfora, L. Cerulo, M. Di Penta

SemDiff: Analysis and Recommendation Support for API Evolution
B. Dagenais, M.P. Robillard

CloneDetective - A Workbench for Clone Detection Research
E. Juergens, F. Deissenboeck, B. Hummel
4-5:30 — Parallel sessions
Formal Research Demonstrations: Concurrency and Debugging
Session Chair: Charles Zhang
Grand Ballroom Salon C

Concurrencer: a Tool for Retrofitting Concurrency into Sequential Java Applications via Libraries
D. Dig, J. Marrero, M. Ernst

Deconstructing Concurrency Heisenbugs
T. Ball, S.B. hardt, M. Musuvathi, S. Qadeer

VIDA: Visual Interactive Debugging
D. Hao, L. Zhang, L. Zhang, J. Sun, H. Mei
Research: Program Analysis II
Session Chair: Jian Zhang
Grand Ballroom Salon B

Do Code Clones Matter?
E. Juergens, F. Deissenboeck, B. Hummel, S. Wagner

Mining Exception-Handling Rules as Sequence Association Rules
S. Thummalapenta, T. Xie

Safe-Commit Analysis to Facilitate Team Software Development
J. Wloka, B. Ryder, F. Tip, X. Ren
Research: Development Paradigms and Software Process
Session Chair: Steve Easterbrook
Grand Ballroom Salon A

Does Distributed Development Affect Software Quality? An Empirical Case Study of Windows Vista
C. Bird, N. Nagappan, P. Devanbu, H. Gall, B. Murphy
Winner of ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Papers Award

The Impact of Process Choice in High Maturity Environments: An Empirical Analysis
N. Ramasubbu, R. Balan

How to Avoid Drastic Software Process Change (using Stochastic Stability)
T. Menzies, S. Williams, O. El-rawas, B. Boehm, J. Hihn
Formal Research Demonstrations: Components and Features
Session Chair: Alex Egyed
Grand Ballroom Salon F

Save-IDE - A Tool for Design, Analysis and Implementation of Component-Based Embedded Systems
S. Sentilles, A. Pettersson, D. Nyström, T. Nolte, P. Pettersson, I. Crnkovic

FeatureIDE: Tool Framework for Feature-Oriented Software Development
C. Kästner, T. Thüm, G. Saake, J. Feigenspan, T. Leich, F. Wielgorz, S. Apel

Synthesis of Timed Behavior From Scenarios in the Fujaba Real-Time Tool Suite
S. Henkler, J. Greenyer, M. Hirsch, W. Schäfer, K. Alhawash, T. Eckardt, C. Heinzemann, R. Löffler, A. Seibel, H. Giese
Evening Events
ICSE closing
Ballroom A, B, & C