University of Oregon University of Oregon

Oregon Programming Languages Summer School

Types, Logic, and Formal Methods

June 26-July 8, 2023

Types, Logic, and Formal Methods

June 23-July 5, 2025


Student Registration $350
Post-Doc Registration $550
Professor Registration $800
Industry Registration $1050
Room and Board $1589

Room packages are for check-in after 2PM on Sunday, June 22, 2025, and check-out before noon on Sunday, July 6, 2025. Board includes three meals per day, starting with dinner on June 22 through lunch on July 6. Room reservations must be paid before May 19.

Each room houses one participant. Bathrooms and showers are shared between the occupants of the rooms on each floor.

If there are two participants who wish to share a room with two beds for a reduced rate, please contact us to make arrangements once both applications have been accepted.


Please indicate your invoice number with payments. Do not make payments until you have an invoice reflecting those charges. Registration payments must be received by May 19 to ensure your place at OPLSS. Payments are non-refundable.

Room reservations not cancelled by May 19 are due in full. Participants who accept a fellowship and do not cancel by May 19, must pay the full amount of housing if they do not attend.

Fellowship Participants who accept a fellowship and do not cancel by May 19, must pay the full amount of housing if they do not attend.