University of Oregon University of Oregon

Oregon Programming Languages Summer School

Types, Logic, and Formal Methods

June 26-July 8, 2023

Types, Logic, and Formal Methods

June 23-July 5, 2025

The program consists of 80-minute lectures.

Nada Amin

Nada Amin — Harvard University


Valeria De Paiva

Valeria De Paiva — Topos Institute

Lambda-Calculi for Logics

Kathleen Fisher

Kathleen Fisher — DARPA

Formal Methods for National Security

Limin Jia

Limin Jia — Carnegie Mellon University

Information Flow Type Systems

Delia Kesner

Delia Kesner — Université de Paris

Lambdi Calculi through the Lens of Linear Logic

Kathryn S McKinley

Kathryn S McKinley — Google

System Design and Innovation: A Garbage Collection Case Study

Anja Petković Komel

Anja Petković Komel — TU Wien / Argot Collective

Introduction to Type Theories

Brigitte Pientka

Brigitte Pientka — McGill University

Introduction to Logical Foundations

(aka the beauty of the Curry-Howard Isomorphism at play)

Paige Randall North

Paige Randall North — Utrecht University

Introduction to Category Theory

Emina Torlak

Emina Torlak — Amazon Web Services

Cedar: A New Language for Expressive, Fast, Safe, and Analyzable Authorization

Caterina Urban

Caterina Urban — INRIA

Abstract Interpretation-Based Static Analysis

Niki Vazou

Niki Vazou — IMDEA Software Institute

Refinements Types

Jeannette Wing

Jeannette Wing — Columbia University

Trustworthy AI

Ningning Xie

Ningning Xie — University of Toronto

Algebraic Effects and Handlers