CS 472/572    

    Machine Learning    

Course Description

Machine learning is about building predictive or descriptive models automatically from data. There are two central challenges in machine learning. The first is generalizing from data to future situations. A model that performs very well on past data may nonetheless perform very poorly on unseen examples, a phenomenon known as "overfitting". The second challenge is building models efficiently, especially in cases where the dataset is very large and the patterns are complex. We will cover standard methodologies, models, and algorithms for machine learning. Specific topics include decision trees, instance-based learning, linear classifiers, probabilistic classifiers, support vector machines, deep learning, and learning theory.


Thien Huu Nguyen, thien@cs.uoregon.edu


Two 80-minute lectures are delivered each week.


Textbooks and Readings

Major Topics

Expected Learning Outcomes

This course covers standard methodologies, models, and algorithms for machine learning. Specific topics include decision trees, instance-based learning, linear classifiers, probabilistic classifiers, support vector machines, model ensembles, and learning theory. Especially, we will spend a large amount of time for deep learning, the recent approach to machine learning that has achieved very high performance for tasks in different application domains (e.g., computer vision, natural language processing).

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

Acquired Skills

Upon successful completion of the course, students will have acquired the following skills:

Tentative Schedule

Slides will be uploaded when the class progresses.
Dates Topics Resources
Apr 1, 2 Introduction (slides), Decision Trees (slides) CIML 1; Mitchell, Ch. 3, 8; ESL 9.2; Murphy 16.2, 1; Domingos, week 2
Apr 8, 10 Inductive Learning (slides), Nearest Neighbor (slides) CIML 2, 3 (skip k-means); Mitchell, Ch 8; Domingos, week 3
Apr 15, 17 Perceptron (slides), Linear Regression (slides), Logistic Regression (slides) CIML 4, 8, Averaged Perceptron Note
Apr 22, 24 Kernel Methods, SVMs (slides) CIML 11, Murphy, chapter 14 (mainly 14.5)
Apr 29, May 1 Neural Networks (slides) DL 6, Notes: a brief probability review and linear algebra and matrix calculus review from Stanford University
May 6, 8 Deep Learning (slides) DL 6
May 13, 15 Review (slides) and Midterm (Midterm will be on Wednesday, May 15)
May 20, 22 Deep Learning (continued), Convolutional Neural Networks DL 6, DL 9
May 27, 29 Recurrent Neural Networks (No class on May 27 - Memorial Day) DL 10
June 3, 5 Transformer, Large Language Models


Final Projects

Supplementary Materials

Course Requirements and Grading

This course will be taught in-person. Please use Piazza and Canvas for communication and discussion.

Grading will be based on the following criteria:

Percentage Component
40written and programming assignments
30midterm exam
30final project

472 students will be evaluated separately from 572 students.

Grading Scale

  A    A+ >= 97.00   A 93.34-96.90   A- 90.00-93.33 
  B    B+ 86.67-89.99   B 83.34-86.66   B- 80.00-83.33 
  C    C+ 76.67-79.99   C 73.34-76.66   C- 70.00-73.33 
  D    D+ 66.67-69.99   D 63.34-66.66   D- 60.00-63.33 
  F    F 0.00-59.99