ParaDucks Research Group Bibliography

Table of Contents

Conferences and Workshops
Theses and Dissertations
Technical Reports
Talks and Presentations
Other Publications

Conferences and Workshops

Allen D. Malony, Daniel A. Reed, "Models for Performance Perturbation Analysis," Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging, Proc. 1991 ACM/ ONR workshop on Parallel and Distributed Debugging, pp. 15-25, 1991
Keywords: performance perturbation, performance measurement

iawei Rong, Dejing Dou, Gwen A. Frishkoff, Robert M. Frank, Allen D. Malony, Don M. Tucker: A Semi-Automatic Framework for Mining ERP Patterns. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 329-334

Sergei Turovets, Pieter Poolman, Adnan Salman, Allen D. Malony, Don M. Tucker: Conductivity Analysis for High-Resolution EEG. BMEI (2) 2008: 386-393

C. Rasmussen, K. Lindlan, B. Mohr, J. Striegnitz, "CHASM: Static Analysis and Automatic Code Generation for Improved Fortran90 and C++ Interoperability," Proceedings of LACSI Symposium, 2001.
Keywords: CHASM, PDT, SILOON, F90, C++ interoperability

H. Brunst, W. E. Nagel, and A. D. Malony, "A Distributed Performance Analysis Architecture for Clusters," In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (Cluster 2003), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 73-83, Dec. 2003.
Keywords: Parallel Computing, Performance Analysis, Profiling, Tracing, Clusters, VNG, Vampir

A. Nataraj, A. Malony, S. Shende, A. Morris, "Kernel-Level Measurement for Integrated Parallel Performance Views: the KTAU Project," In Proc. Cluster 2006, IEEE Computer Society, 2006.
Keywords: kernel mesurment, KTAU, TAU

Bari, Md Abdullah Shahneous, et al. "ARCS: Adaptive Runtime Configuration Selection for Power-Constrained OpenMP Applications." Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.

N. Trebon, A. Morris, J. Ray, S. Shende, and A. Malony, "Performance Modeling of Component Assemblies with TAU," Proc. Workshop on Component Models and Frameworks in High Performance Computing (CompFrame 2005).
Keywords: CCA, TAU, CFRFS, Proxy components, performance modeling

B. Mohr, D. Brown, A. Malony, TAU: A Portable Parallel Program Analysis Environment for pC++, Proceedings of CONPAR 94 - VAPP VI, University of Linz, Austria, LNCS 854, September 1994, pp. 29-40.
Keywords: TAU, tuning and analysis utilities, integrated tools, portable programanalysis, parallel object-oriented language, pC++, Sage++

S. Shende, A. D. Malony, A. Morris, and P. Beckman, "Performance and Memory Evaluation Using TAU," In Proc. for Cray User's Group Conference (CUG 2006), 2006.
Keywords: TAU, PDT, Memory Headroom Analysis, MFIX

A. Malony and S. Shende, "Performance Technology for Complex Parallel and Distributed Systems," Proc. Third Austrian-Hungarian Workshop on Distributed and Parallel Systems, DAPSYS 2000, "Distributed and Parallel Systems: From Concepts to Applications," (Eds. G. Kotsis and P. Kacsuk)Kluwer, Norwell, MA, pp. 37-46, 2000.
Keywords: performance tools, complex systems, instrumentation, measurement, analysis, TAU

Daniel M. Pressel, David Cronk, and Sameer Shende, "PENVELOPE: A New Approach to Rapidly Predicting the Performance of Computationally Intensive Scientific Applications on Parallel Computer Architectures," Proc. 2004 DOD Users Group Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 314-318, 2004.
Keywords: PENVELOPE, Performance Prediction, TAU

S. Shende, A. D. Malony, A. Morris, and F. Wolf, "Performance Profiling Overhead Compensation for MPI Programs," in Proc. EuroPVM/MPI 2005 Conference, (eds. B. Di. Martino et. al.), LNCS 3666, Springer, pp. 359-367, 2005.
Keywords: TAU, Performance measurement and analysis, parallel computing, profiling, message passing, overhead compensation

S. Moore, F. Wolf, J. Dongarra, S. Shende, A. Malony, and B. Mohr, "A Scalable Approach to MPI Application Performance Analysis," in Proc. of EuroPVM/MPI 2005, (eds. B. Di Martino) LNCS 3666, Springer, pp. 309-316, 2005.
Keywords: TAU, scalability, Performance measurement and analysis, parallel computing, profiling, tracing, KOJAK

Geoffrey C. Hulette, Matthew J. Sottile, Allen D. Malony: WOOL: A Workflow Programming Language. eScience 2008: 71-78

Celio Estevan Moron, Allen D. Malony: Development of embedded multicore systems. ETFA 2011: 1-4

B. Mohr, Standardization of Event Traces Considered Harmful or Is an Implementation of Object-Independent Event Trace Monitoring and Analysis Systems Possible?, Proceedings of the CNRS-NSF Workshop on Environments and Tools For Parallel Scientific Computing, St. Hilaire du Touvet, France, Elsevier, Advances in Parallel Computing, Vol. 6, September 1992, pp. 103-124.
Keywords: event trace, analysis tools, monitoring, objects, object-independentmonitoring, standardization of event trace formats, access interfaces

Darryl I. Brown, Steven T. Hackstadt, Allen D. Malony, Bernd Mohr, Program Analysis Environments for Parallel Language Systems: The TAU Environment, Proc. of the Workshop on Environments and Tools For Parallel Scientific Computing, Townsend, TN, May 1994, pp. 162-171.
Keywords: parallel tool, pC++, integrated tool framework

Janice Cuny, Robert Dunn, Steven T. Hackstadt, Christopher Harrop, Harold H. Hersey, Allen D. Malony, and Douglas Toomey, Building Domain-Specific Environments for Computational Science: A Case Study in Seismic Tomography, International Journal of Supercomputing Applications and High Performance Computing, Vol. 11, No. 3, Fall 1997. Also appearing in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Environments and Tools For Parallel Scientific Computing, Lyon, France, August 1996.
Keywords: computational science, domain-specific environments, seismic tomography, visualization, distributed data access

Jean-Baptiste Besnard, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, Marc Pérache, Patrick Carribault, Julien Jaeger: An MPI Halo-Cell Implementation for Zero-Copy Abstraction. EuroMPI 2015: 3:1-3:9
Keywords: MPI, Ghost-Cells, Zero-Copy, memory, MPI Halo

Besnard, J. B., Adam, J., Shende, S., Pérache, M., Carribault, P., & Jaeger, J. (2016, September). Introducing Task-Containers as an Alternative to Runtime-Stacking. In Proceedings of the 23rd European MPI Users' Group Meeting (pp. 51-63). ACM.

R. Bell, A. D. Malony, and S. Shende, "A Portable, Extensible, and Scalable Tool for Parallel Performance Profile Analysis", Proc. EUROPAR 2003 conference, LNCS 2790, Springer, Berlin, pp. 17-26, 2003.
Keywords: ParaProf, TAU, jracy, Profile Browser, scalable, visualization

Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Allen D. Malony, Jesús Labarta, Thomas Fahringer: Performance Evaluation and Prediction. Euro-Par 2003: 87

A. D. Malony, and S. S. Shende, "Overhead Compensation in Performance Profiling," Proc. Europar 2004 Conference, LNCS 3149, Springer, pp. 119-132, 2004.
Keywords: Performance measurement and analysis, parallel computing, profiling, intrusion, overhead compensation

José C. Cunha, Allen D. Malony, Arndt Bode, Dieter Kranzlmüller: Topic 1: Support Tools and Environments. Euro-Par 2004: 38

Allen D. Malony and Sameer Shende, "Models for On-the-Fly Compensation of Measurement Overhead in Parallel Performance Profiling, pp. 72-82, 2005.
Keywords: Performance measurement and analysis, parallel computing, profiling, intrusion, overhead compensation, TAU

A. Nataraj, M. Sottile, A. Morris. A.D. Malony, S. Shende. "TAUoverSupermon: Low-overhead Online Parallel Performance Monitoring." Presented at EuroPar 2007.
Keywords: Online performance measurement, cluster monitoring, TAU, supermon

A. Morris, W. Spear, A. D. Malony and S. Shende. "Observing Performance Dynamics using Parallel Profile Snapshots," European Conference on Parallel Processing (EuroPar 2008). August 2008
Keywords: TAU, Performance Snapshots, Performance Data, Performance Analysis

K. Huck, W. Spear, A. Malony, S. Shende, and A. Morris, Parametric Studies in Eclipse with TAU and PerfExplorer, Workshop on Productivity and Performance (PROPER 2008), EuroPar 2008, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, August, 2008.
Keywords: TAU, PerfExplorer, Eclipse, Parametric

Geoffrey C. Hulette, Matthew J. Sottile, Allen D. Malony: A Type-Based Approach to Separating Protocol from Application Logic - A Case Study in Hybrid Computer Programming. Euro-Par 2012: 40-51

Allen D. Malony, Helen D. Karatza, William J. Knottenbelt, Sally McKee: Topic 2: Performance Prediction and Evaluation. Euro-Par 2012: 52-53

Robert Lim, Allen D. Malony, Boyana Norris, Nicholas Chaimov: Identifying Optimization Opportunities Within Kernel Execution in GPU Codes. Euro- Par Workshops 2015: 185-196

Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony, Distributed Array Query and Visualization for High Performance Fortran, Proc. of Euro-Par '96, Lyon, France, August 1996, pp. 55-63. Also available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-96-02, February 1996.
Keywords: visualization, distributed data access, hpf, parallel tool

Matthew Sottile and Allen Malony, INTERLACE: An Interoperation and Linking Architecture for Computational Engines, Proceedings of EuroPar 99 Conference, LNCS 1685, Springer, Berlin, pp.135-138, 1999.
Keywords: heterogeneous computing, reusability, computational servers, client/server, distributed objects, MatLab

A. Nataraj, A. Malony, A. Morris, S. Shende, "Early Experiences with KTAU on the IBM BG/L," Proc. EUROPAR 2006 Conference, Springer, LNCS 4128, pp. 99-110, 2006.
Keywords: TAU, KTAU, IBM BG/L, kernel profiling, zeptoOS, performance analysis

L. Li, A. Malony, "Model-Based Performance Diagnosis of Master-Worker Parallel Computations," Euro-Par 2006 Parallel Processing Conference September 2006 (LNCS 4128). Pages 35-46.
Keywords: Performance diagnosis, parallel models, master-worker, measurement, analysis.

K. Huck, A. Malony, S. Shende and A. Morris. "TAUg: Runtime Global Performance Data Access using MPI." EuroPVM/MPI Conference, LNCS 4192, pp. 313-321, Springer, September 2006.
Keywords: TAU, TAUg, global data acsess, performance monitoring, online performance adaption

B. Mohr, A. D. Malony, S. Shende, and F. Wolf, "Towards a Performance Tool Interface for OpenMP: An Approach Based on Directive Rewriting," Proceedings of EWOMP'01 Third European Workshop on OpenMP, Sept. 2001.
Keywords: OpenMP, directive rewriting, instrumentation interface, TAU, EXPERT

A Performance Monitoring Interface for OpenMP By Bernd Mohr , Allen D. Malony, Hans-Christian Hoppe, Frank Schlimbach, Grant Haab, Jay Hoeflinger, and Sanjiv Shah . Persented at EWOMP 2002
Keywords: OpenMP, Performance Monitoring, OMPI, POMP

Allen D. Malony, "Regular Processor Arrays," Proc., 2nd Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, IEEE, pp. 499-502, 1988.
Keywords: regularity, processor arrays, emulation, interconnection networks.

J. Kundu and J. E. Cuny, A Scalable, Visual Interface for Debugging with Event-Based Behavioral Abstraction, Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computing, 1995, pp. 472-479.
Keywords: visualization, event-based debugging, Ariadne

Geoffrey C. Hulette, Matthew J. Sottile, Allen D. Malony: Composing typemaps in Twig. GPCE 2012: 41-49
Keywords: Type mapping, Foreign function interface

A. D. Malony, D. A. Reed, J. W. Arendt, R. A. Aydt, D. Grabas, and B. K. Totty, "An Integrated Performance Data Collection Analysis, and Visualization System," Proc. Fourth Conferenceon Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications, Mar. 1989. Also appears as Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-89-1504, Center for Supercomputing Research and Development, U. of Ill., March 1989.
Keywords: Intel iPSC/2, Performance Analysis

A. S. Charif-Rubial, D. Barthou, C. Valensi, S. Shende, A. Malony, W. Jalby, "MIL : A language to build program analysis tools through static binary instrumentation," in Proc. 20th Annual International Conference on High Performance Computing, HiPC'13, Hyderabad, India, IEEE, December 2013.
Keywords: MAQAO, Binary instrumentation, TAU, OpenMP

Hank Childs, Scott Biersdorff, David Poliakoff, David Camp, Allen D. Malony: Particle advection performance over varied architectures and workloads. HiPC 2014: 1-10
Keywords: GPGPU, Hybrid Parallelism, Flow Visualization, Performance Analysis

D. Brown, A. Malony, B. Mohr, Language-based Parallel Program Interaction: the Breezy Approach, Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC'95), India, December 1995.
Keywords: runtime interaction, data-parallel program, language integration,language-based tools

F. Wolf, A. D. Malony, S. Shende, and A. Morris, "Trace-Based Parallel performance Overhead Compensation," in Proc. of HPCC 2005 Conference, (eds. L. T. Yang, et. al.), LNCS 3726, Springer, pp. 617-628, 2005.
Keywords: KOJAK, Performance measurement, analysis, parallel computing, tracing, message passing, overhead compensation

W. Spear, A. Malony, A. Morris, S. Shende, "Integrating TAU with Eclipse: A Performance Analysis System in a Integrated Development Environment," High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) Conference. September 2006 (LNCS 4208). Pages 230-239.
Keywords: Eclipse, Integrated Development Environment, IDE, TAU

L. Li, A. D. Malony, and K. Huck, "Model-Based Relative Performance Diagnosis of Wavefront Parallel Computations", in International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC2006), (Munich, Germany), 2006.
Keywords: performance diagnosis, parallel models, wavefront, relative analysis

B. Norris, J. Ray, R. Armstrong, L. C. McInnes. D. E. Bernholdt. W. R. Elwasif, A. D. Malony and S. Shende, "Computational Quality of Service for Scientific Components," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE7), Edinburgh, Scotland, LNCS 3054, Springer, pp. 264-271, May 2004. Also available as Argonne National Laboratory preprint ANL/MCS-P1131-0204.
Keywords: QoS, Components, CCA, TAU

A. Malony, J. Skidmore, and M. Sottile. Computational Experiments using Distributed Tools in a Web-based Electronic Notebook Environment, Proceedings of HPCN Europe '99, LNCS 1593, Springer, Berlin, pp. 381 -390, April 1999.

Adnan Salman, Allen D. Malony, Sergei Turovets, Vasily Volkov, David Ozog, Don M. Tucker: Next-generation human brain neuroimaging and the role of high-performance computing. HPCS 2013: 234-242

Allen D. Malony: Through the Looking-Glass: From Performance Observation to Dynamic Adaptation. HPDC 2015: 1
Keywords: High‐performance computing; runtime environments; optimization methods

Daniel A. Ellsworth, Allen D. Malony, Barry Rountree, Martin Schulz: POW: System-wide Dynamic Reallocation of Limited Power in HPC. HPDC 2015: 145- 148
Keywords: RAPL; hardware over-provisioning; HPC; power bound

Nicholas Chaimov, Allen D. Malony, Shane Canon, Costin Iancu, Khaled Z. Ibrahim, Jay Srinivasan: Scaling Spark on HPC Systems. HPDC 2016: 97-110

Steven T. Hackstadt, Christopher W. Harrop, and Allen D. Malony, A Framework for Interacting with Distributed Programs and Data, Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC7), Chicago, IL, July 28-31, 1998, pp. 206-214. Also available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-98-02, June 1998.
Keywords: parallel tools, distributed arrays, visualization, computational steering, model coupling, runtime interaction, data access, Fortran 90

Kevin A. Glass, Gwen A. Frishkoff, Robert M. Frank, Colin Davey, Joseph Dien, Allen D. Malony, Don M. Tucker: A Framework for Evaluating ICA Methods of Artifact Removal from Multichannel EEG. ICA 2004: 1033-1040

David K. Hammond, Benoit Scherrer, Allen D. Malony: Incorporating anatomical connectivity into EEG source estimation via sparse approximation with cortical graph wavelets. ICASSP 2012: 573-576
Keywords: EEG source estimation, sparse representation, inverse problems, graph wavelets

J. Dongarra, A. D. Malony, S. Moore, P. Mucci, and S. Shende, "Performance Instrumentation and Measurement for Terascale Systems," Proc. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2003), LNCS 2660, Springer, Berlin, pp. 53-62, 2003.
Keywords: TAU, PAPI, Perfometer, instrumentation, measurement, performance analysis, terascale

Michael O. McCracken, Allan Snavely, Allen Malony, "Performance Modeling for Dynamic Algorithm Selection," Proc. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'03), LNCS 2660, Springer, Berlin, pp. 749-758, 2003.
Keywords: performance modeling, adaptive algorithms

Adnan Salman, Sergei Turovets, Allen Malony, Jeff Eriksen, and Don Tucker, "Computational Modeling of Human Head Conductivity." Presented at International Conference on Computational Science.
Keywords: Computational Modeling, alternating direction implicit, algorithm, ADI, OpenMP

Adnan Salman, Allen D. Malony, Sergei Turovets, Don M. Tucker: Use of Parallel Simulated Annealing for Computational Modeling of Human Head Conductivity. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 86-93

Wyatt Spear, Allen D. Malony, Alan Morris, Sameer Shende: Performance Tool Workflows. ICCS (3) 2008: 276-285

H. Jagode, J. Dongarra, S. Alam, J. Vetter, W. Spear, A. Malony. A Holistic Approach for Performance Measurement and Analysis for Petascale Applications. International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2009), Baton Rouge, LA, 2009
Keywords: TAU, Performance Analysis, Performance Tools, Profiling, Tracing, Trace files, Petascale Applications, Petascale Systems

Adnan Salman, Allen D. Malony, Matthew J. Sottile: An Open Domain-Extensible Environment for Simulation-Based Scientific Investigation (ODESSI). ICCS (1) 2009: 23-32

Vasily Volkov, Aleksei Zherdetsky, Sergei Turovets, Allen D. Malony: A 3D Vector-Additive Iterative Solver for the Anisotropic Inhomogeneous Poisson Equation in the Forward EEG problem. ICCS (1) 2009: 511-520

M. Geimer, S. Shende, A. D. Malony, F. Wolf, "A Generic and Configurable Source-Code Instrumentation Component". Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science 2009. pp. 696-705, LNCS 5545.
Keywords: TAU, instrumentation, source preprocessing

J. Enkovaara, N. A. Romero, S. Shende, J. J. Mortensen, "GPAW - massively parallel electronic structure calculations with Python-based software." International Conference on Computational Science 2011.
Keywords: Python, Numpy, MPI, Density-functional theory

Abhinav Sarje, Sukhyun Song, Douglas Jacobsen, Kevin A. Huck, Jeffrey K. Hollingsworth, Allen D. Malony, Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker: Parallel Performance Optimizations on Unstructured Mesh-based Simulations. ICCS 2015: 2016-2025
Keywords: Unstructured Mesh, Ocean Modeling, Graph Partitioning, Performance Optimization

Zhang, X., Abbasi, H., Huck, K., & Malony, A. D. (2016). Wowmon: A machine learning- based profiler for self-adaptive instrumentation of scientific workflows. Procedia Computer Science, 80, 1507-1518.

Nicholas Chaimov, Boyana Norris, Allen D. Malony: Toward multi-target autotuning for accelerators. ICPADS 2014: 534-541

David Ozog, Allen D. Malony, Jeff R. Hammond, Pavan Balaji: WorkQ: A many-core producer/consumer execution model applied to PGAS computations. ICPADS 2014: 632-639

Xiaoguang Dai, Boyana Norris, Allen D. Malony: Autoperf: Workflow Support for Performance Experiments. WOSP-C@ICPE 2015: 11- 16
Keywords: performance measurement, performance analysis

K. A. Huck, A. D. Malony, R. Bell, and A. Morris, "Design and Implementation of a Parallel Performance Data Management Framework," Proc. International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2005), IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
Keywords: TAU, PerfDMF, ParaProf, Performance Data Management Framework

S. Biersdorff, C. W. Lee, A. Malony, L. V. Kale, "Integrated Performance Views in Charm++: Projections Meets TAU." International Conference on Parallel Processing, September 2009.
Keywords: Charm++, TAU, Projections, NAMD

A. Morris, A. Malony, S. Shende, and K. Huck "Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Parallel Performance Measurement System." International Conference on Parallel Processing September 2010. pages 492-501
Keywords: parallel, performance, measurement, analysis,sampling, tracing, profiling

A. D. Malony, S. Biersdorff, S. Shende, H. Jagode, S. Tomov, G. Juckeland, R. Dietrich, D. Poole and C. Lamb, "Parallel Performance Measurement of Heterogeneous Parallel Systems with GPUs." Presented at International Conference on Parallel Processing Sept 2011.
Keywords: TAU, PAPI, Vampir, GPU, CUDA, Heterogeneous systems

D. Ozog, J. Hammond, J. Dinan, P. Balaji, S. Shende, A. Malony, "Inspector-Executor Load Balancing Algorithms for Block-Sparse Tensor Contractions," in Proc. International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'13), IEEE, 10.1109/ICPP.2013.12, 2013.
Keywords: Dynamic Load Balancing, Static Partitioning, Tensor Contractions, Quantum Chemistry, Global Arrays, TAU

Walid Abu-Sufah, Allen D. Malony, "Vector Processing on the Alliant FX/8 Multiprocessor," Proc. of ICPP 1986, pp. 559-566, 1986.
Keywords: Alliant, Vector processing, Cedar, performance measurement.Alliant, Vector processing, Cedar, performance measurement.Alliant, Vector processing, Cedar, performance measurement.Alliant, Vector processing, Cedar, performance measurement.Alliant, Vector processing, Cedar, performance measurement.

Allen D. Malony, Daniel A. Reed, Patrick J. McGuire,"MPF: A Portable Message Passing Facility for Shared Memory Multiprocessors," Proc. ICPP 1987: pp. 739-741, 1987.
Keywords: message passing, shared memory

J. Kundu and J. E. Cuny, The Integration of Event- and State-Based Debugging in Ariadne, Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP '95), August 1995, pp. II 130-134.
Keywords: event-based debugging, state-based debugging, Ariadne

A. Malony, S. Biersdorff, W. Spear, S. Mayanglambam. "An Experimental Approach to Performance Measurement of Heterogeneous Parallel Applications using CUDA." Presented at International Conference on Supercomputing, Tsukuba, Japan 2010.
Keywords: Performance tools, GPGPU, profiling, tracing

David Ozog, Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, Jeff R. Hammond, James Dinan, Pavan Balaji: Inspector/executor load balancing algorithms for block-sparse tensor contractions. ICS 2013: 483-484
Keywords: Dynamic Load Balancing, Static Paritioning, Tensor Contractions, Quantum Chemistry, Global Arrays

Kyle Gallivan, William Jalby, Allen Malony, Harry Wijshoff, "Performance Prediction of Loop Constructs on Multiprocessor Hierarchical-Memory Systems," Proc. 3rd International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'86), pp. 433-442, 1986.
Keywords: Supercomputers, Concurrent programming structures

Allen D. Malony, Daniel A. Reed, "A Hardware-based Performance Monitor for the Intel iPSC/2 Hypercube, Proc. 4th International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'90), pp. 213-226, 1990.
Keywords: performance monitoring, Hypermon

S. Vajracharya, S. Karmesin, P. Beckman, J. Crotinger, A. Malony, S. Shende, R. Oldehoeft, and S. Smith, "SMARTS: Exploiting Temporal Locality and Parallelism through Vertical Execution," Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS '99), pp. 302-310, 1999.
Keywords: SMARTS, asynchronous, threads, profiling, tracing, vertical executiondata-parallelism, dependence-driven execution, runtime system, barriersynchronization, TAU

Nicholas Chaimov, Scott Biersdorff, Allen D. Malony: Tools for machine-learning-based empirical autotuning and specialization. IJHPCA 27(4): 403-411 (2013)
Keywords: autotuning, specialization, TAU, machine learning, decision trees

S. Shende, A. D. Malony, C. Rasmussen, M. Sottile, "A Performance Interface for Component-Based Applications," Proc. International Workshop on Performance Modeling, Evaluation, and Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Systems, IPDPS'03, IEEE Computer Society, 278, 2003.
Keywords: TAU, Component Interface, SIDL, CCAFFEINE, PDT, Babel

J. Ray, N. Trebon, R. C. Armstrong, S. Shende, and A. Malony, "Performance Measurement and Modeling of Component Applications in a High Performance Computing Environment: A Case Study," Proc. 18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'04), IEEE Computer Society, 2004.
Keywords: CCA, Performance modeling, CFRFS Combustion, TAU

D. B. Keith, C. C. Hoge, Robert M. Frank, Allen D. Malony: Parallel ICA methods for EEG neuroimaging. IPDPS 2006

Li Li, Allen D. Malony: Automatic Performance Diagnosis of Parallel Computations with Compositional Models. IPDPS 2007: 1-8

Ozog, D., Kamil, A., Zheng, Y., Hargrove, P., Hammond, J. R., Malony, A., ... & Yelick, K. (2016, May). A hartree-fock application using upc++ and the new darray library. In Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2016 IEEE International (pp. 453-462). IEEE.
Keywords: -Hartree-Fock, self-consistent field (SCF), quantum chemistry, PGAS, UPC/UPC++, Global Arrays, performance analysis, load balancing, work stealing, attentiveness

Patricia Grubel, Hartmut Kaiser, Kevin A. Huck, Jeanine Cook: Using Intrinsic Performance Counters to Assess Efficiency in Task-Based Parallel Applications. IPDPS Workshops 2016: 1692-1701
Keywords: runtime instrumentation, performance counters; execution monitoring; HPX; task-based parallelism; many asynchronous tasks

Ozog, D., Malony, A. D., & Siegel, A. R. (2015, May). A Performance Analysis of SIMD Algorithms for Monte Carlo Simulations of Nuclear Reactor Cores. In Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2015 IEEE International (pp. 733- 742). IEEE.
Keywords: Monte Carlo, neutron transport, reactor simulation, performance, SIMD, Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor, MIC

Ellsworth, D., Patki, T., Perarnau, S., Seo, S., Amer, A., Zounmevo, J., ... & Schulz, M. (2016, May). Systemwide Power Management with Argo. In Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, 2016 IEEE International (pp. 1118- 1121). IEEE.

A. Malony, B. Mohr, P. Beckman, D. Gannon, S. Yang, F. Bodin, Performance Analysis of pC++: A Portable Data-Parallel Programming System for Scalable Parallel Computers, Proceedings of the 8th International Parallel Processing Symbosium (IPPS), Cancn, Mexico, April 1994, pp. 75-85.
Keywords: parallel C++, portability, scalability, SPMD, runtime system,concurrency and communication primitives, performance

B. Helm. A. D. Malony, S. P. Fickas, "Capturing and Automating Performance Diagnosis: the Poirot approach," Proc. 9th International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS'95), pp.
Keywords: software performance evaluation, program debugging, diagnostic expert systems, performance diagnosis, Poirot, parallel programming, diagnosis methods, performance tools, performance debugging, knowledge-based diagnosis, software engineering

Chaimov, N., Malony, A., Iancu, C., & Ibrahim, K. (2016, June). Scaling Spark on Lustre. In International Conference on High Performance Computing (pp. 649-659). Springer International Publishing.

T. Sheehan, A. Malony, S. Shende, "A Runtime Monitoring Framework for the TAU Profiling System", Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments (ISCOPE'99), LNCS 1732, Springer, Berlin, pp. 170-181, December 1999.
Keywords: monitor, runtime data access, performance monitoring,parallel execution, performance tools, runtime interaction, Java,TAU, multi-threaded

J. D. de St. Germain, A. Morris, S. G. Parker, A. D. Malony, and S. Shende, "Integrating Performance Analysis in the Uintah Software Development Cycle," Proceedings of the ISHPC'02 conference, LNCS 2327,Springer, Berlin, pp. 190-206, 2002.
Keywords: Uintah, TAU, MPI, SCIRun, XPARE

Holger Brunst, Allen D. Malony, Sameer S. Shende, and Robert Bell, "Online Remote Trace Analysis of Parallel Applications on High-Performance Clusters", Proceedings of ISHPC'03 Conference, LNCS 2858, Springer, Berlin, pp. 440-449,2003.
Keywords: Parallel Computing, Performance Analysis, Performance Steering, Tracing, Parallel Computing, Performance Analysis, Performance Steering, Tracing, VNG, TAU

Celio Estevan Moron, Antonio Ideguchi, Marcio Merino Fernandes, Allen D. Malony: From MultiTask to MultiCore: Design and Implementation Using an RTOS. ISPDC 2014: 111-118

Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony, Case Study: Applying Scientific Visualization to Parallel Performance Visualization, Proc. of the IST&T/SPIE symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, Conference on Visual Data Exploration and Analysis, San Jose, CA, February 1995, pp. 238-247.
Keywords: parallel performance visualization, case study, data explorer, scientific visualization

Adnan Salman , Sergei Turovets, Allen Malony, and Vasily Volkov, "Multi-Cluster, Mixed-Mode Computational Modeling of Human Head Conductivity." Presented at IWOMP 2005
Keywords: MPI, OpenMPI, Multi-Cluster, Computational Modeling

A. Morris, A. D. Malony, S. Shende, "Supporting Nested OpenMP Parallelism in the TAU Performance System," (to appear) Proceedings of the IWOMP 2006 Conference, Springer, LNCS, 2007.
Keywords: TAU, OpenMP, Nested Parallelism

Ahmad Qawasmeh, Abid Muslim Malik, Barbara M. Chapman, Kevin A. Huck, Allen D. Malony: Open Source Task Profiling by Extending the OpenMP Runtime API. IWOMP 2013: 186-199
Keywords: OpenMP, OpenMP Runtime API for Profiling, Open-Source Implementation, OpenMP Tasks.

Kevin A. Huck, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, Doug W. Jacobsen: Integrated Measurement for Cross-Platform OpenMP Performance Analysis. IWOMP 2014: 146-160

S. Shende and A. D. Malony, "Integration and Application of the TAU Performance System in Parallel Java Environments," Proceedings of the Joint ACM Java Grande - ISCOPE 2001 Conference, pp. 87-96, June 2001.
Keywords: TAU, Profiling, Tracing, Java, MPI, JVMPI, Instrumentation, Measurement

S. Shende, and A. D. Malony, "Performance Tools for Parallel Java Environments," Proc. Second Workshop on Java for High Performance Computing, ICS 2000, May 2000.
Keywords: parallel, mpiJava, TAU, performance profiling, tracing, MPI

Dejing Dou, Gwen A. Frishkoff, Jiawei Rong, Robert M. Frank, Allen D. Malony, Don M. Tucker: Development of NeuroElectroMagnetic ontologies(NEMO): a framework for mining brainwave ontologies. KDD 2007: 270-279
Keywords: H.2.8 [Database applications]: Data mining; J.3 [Life and Medical Science]: Neuroscience; I.2.4 [Knowledge Representation Formalism and Methods]: Ontology

B. Mohr, A. D. Malony, S. Shende, and F. Wolf, "Design and Prototype of a Performance Tool Interface for OpenMP," Proceedings of the LACSI Symposium, 2001.
Keywords: OpenMP, API, POMP, TAU, EXPERT, Performance Tool Interface

S. Shende, Profiling and Tracing in Linux, Proceedings of the Extreme Linux Workshop #2, USENIX, Monterey CA, June 1999.
Keywords: profiling, performance, tracing, linux, clusters, TAU

Kai Li, Allen D. Malony, Don M. Tucker: A Multiscale Morphological Approach to Topology Correction of Cortical Surfaces. MIAR 2006: 52-59

K. Shanmugam, A. Malony, B. Mohr, Speedy: An Integrated Performance Extrapolation Tool for pC++ Programs, Proceedings of the Joint Conference PERFORMANCE TOOLS '95 and MMB '95, September 1995, Heidelberg, Germany.
Keywords: performance prediction, extrapolation, object-parallel programming,trace-driven simulation, performance debugging tools, modeling

Alois Ferscha and Allen D. Malony, "Performance-Oriented Development of Irregular, Unstructured and Unbalanced Parallel Applications in the N-MAP Environment, " Proc. 8th GI/ITG Conference on Measuring, Modeling and Evaluating Computing and Communication Systems, MMB '95, LNCS 977, Springer, Berlin, pp. 340-356, 1995.
Keywords: Performance Prediction, Parallel Programming, Task Level Parallelism, Irregular Problems, Parallel Simulation, Time Warp, CM-5, Cluster Computing, N-MAP

Allen D. Malony, Adnan Salman, Sergei Turovets, Don M. Tucker, Vasily Volkov, Kai Li, Jung Eun Song, Scott Biersdorff, Colin Davey, Chris Hoge, David K. Hammond: Computational Modeling of Human Head Electromagnetics for Source Localization of Milliscale Brain Dynamics. MMVR 2011: 329-335

Allen D. Malony, Vassilis Mertsiotakis, Andreas Quick, "Automatic Scalability Analysis of Parallel Programs Based on Modeling Techniques," In G. Haring and G. Kotsis, editors, Proc. 7th International Conference on Modeling Techniques and Tools for Computer Performance Evaluation, LNCS, Springer, 1994.
Keywords: scalability analysis, performance modeling, PDL, PEPP

S. Shende, A. Malony, A. Morris, "Optimization of Instrumentation in Parallel Performance Evaluation Tools," in Proc. PARA 2006 Conference, Springer, LNCS, 2006.
Keywords: Instrument optimization, selective instrumentation, measurement, Performance measurement and analysis, parallel computing

S. Shende, A. Malony, A. Morris, "Workload Characterization using the TAU Performance System," in Proc. of PARA 2006 Conference, Springer, LNCS, 2006.
Keywords: Performance mapping, measurement, instrumentation, performance evaluation, workload characterization

Sameer Suresh Shende, Allen D. Malony, Alan Morris: Improving the Scalability of Performance Evaluation Tools. PARA (2) 2010: 441-451
Keywords: Measurement, instrumentation, analysis, performance tools

Sameer Shende, Steven T. Hackstadt, and Allen D. Malony, "Dynamic Performance Callstack Sampling: Merging TAU and DAQV-II," Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Applied Parallel Computing (PARA98), June 14-17, 1998, LNCS 1541, Springer, Berlin, pp. 515-520, 1998.
Keywords: monitoring, performance, callstack, sampling, profiling, TAU, DAQV, parallel execution, performance tools, runtime interaction, C++

A. D. Malony, S. Shende, and R. Bell, "Online Performance Observation of Large-Scale Parallel Applications," Proc. Parco 2003 Symposium, in "Parallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms, Architectures and Applications," (Eds. G. R. Joubert, W. E. Nagel, F. J. Peters, and W. V. Walter), Advances in Parallel Computing, Vol. 13, Elsevier B.V., pp. 761 -768, 2004.
Keywords: Paraprof, Parvis, TAU, performance analysis, large-scale, parallel computing

H. Brunst, W. Nagel, "Scalable Performance Analysis of Parallel Systems: Concepts and Experiences," Proc. PARCO 2003 Conference, in (J. Joubert, W. Nagel, F. Peters, W. Walter eds.), Parallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms, Architectures and Applications, Advances in Parallel Computing 13 Elsevier 2004, pp. 737-744, 2004.
Keywords: Parallel Computing, Performance Analysis, Tracing, Profiling, Clusters, VampirServer, VNG, OTF

A. D. Malony, S. Shende, and A. Morris, "Phase-Based Parallel Performance Profiling," (to appear) Proc. of PARCO 2005 conference.
Keywords: TAU, Performance measurement and analysis, parallel computing, profiling, phases

K. A. Huck, A. D. Malony, S. Shende, and A. Morris, "Scalable, Automated Performance Analysis with TAU and PerfExplorer", in Parallel Computing (ParCo2007), (Aachen, Germany), 2007.
Keywords: performance evaulation, TAU, PerfExplorer, performance scripting, metadata

Shangkar Mayanglambam, Allen D. Malony, Matthew J. Sottile: Performance Measurement of Applications with GPU Acceleration using CUDA. PARCO 2009: 341-348

Allen D. Malony, Shangkar Mayanglambam, Laurent Morin, Matthew J. Sottile, Stéphane Bihan, Sameer Shende, François Bodin: Performance Tool Integration in a GPU Programming Environment: Experiences with TAU and HMPP. PARCO 2009: 685-692

S. Shende, A. D. Malony, W. Spear, and K. Schuchardt, "Characterizing I/O Performance Using the TAU Performance System." Presented at ICPP Parco 2011 conference Exascale Mini-symposium.
Keywords: POSIX I/O, MPI-IO, TAU, Instrumentation, GCRM

Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony, Next-Generation Parallel Performance Visualization: A Prototyping Environment for Visualization Development, Proc. of the Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe (PARLE) Conference, Athens, Greece, July 1994, pp. 192-201. Also available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-93-23, October 1993.
Keywords: parallel performance visualization, scientific visualization, visualization prototyping

S. Shende, A. Malony, A. Morris, S. Parker, J. Davison de St. Germain, "Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Scientific Applications using TAU," Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics: Theory and Applications, Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, May 24-27.
Keywords: TAU, Performance Evaluation, CFD, Uintah Computational Framework, Phases

Allen D. Malony, Kevin A. Huck: General Hybrid Parallel Profiling. PDP 2014: 204-212
Keywords: Parallel, performance, analysis, tools

Ozog, D., Malony, A. D., & Guenza, M. (2016, February). The UA? CG Workflow: High Performance Molecular Dynamics of Coarse-Grained Polymers. In Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2016 24th Euromicro International Conference on (pp. 272-279). IEEE.
Keywords: -atomistic simulation, coarse-graining, scientific workflows, polymeric liquids, LAMMPS

S. Shende, A. D. Malony, R. Ansell-Bell, "Instrumentation and Measurement Strategies for Flexible and Portable Empirical Performance Evaluation," Proceedings Tools and Techniques for Performance Evaluation Workshop, PDPTA'01, CSREA, Vol. 3, pp. 1150-1156, June 2001.
Keywords: TAU, instrumentation, measurement, DyninstAPI, MPI

Allen D. Malony, Gregory V. Wilson, "Future directions in parallel performance environments", Proceedings of the workshop on performance measurement and visualization on Performance measurement and visualization of parallel systems, Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V., Amsterdam, pp. 331-351, 1993.
Keywords: processor architectures, parallel programming, performance measurement

Marian Bubak, Wlodzimierz Funika, Marcin Koch, Dominik Dziok, Allen D. Malony, Marcin Smetek, Roland Wismüller: Towards the Performance Visualization of Web-Service Based Applications. PPAM 2005: 108-115
Keywords: performance visualization, monitoring tools, OMIS, TAU, web service.

Allen D. Malony, "Event-based Performance Perturbation: a Case Study," Proc. third ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPOPP'91), pp. 201-212, 1991.
Keywords: performance perturbation, performance measurement, event-based analysis, uncertainty principle

Sekhar R. Sarukkai, Allen D. Malony, "Perturbation Analysis of High Level Instru mentation for SPMD Programs," Proc. fourth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP'93), pp. 44-53, 1993.
Keywords: perturbation analysis, performance measurement

C. W. Lee, A. D. Malony, and A. Morris, "TAUmon: Scalable Online Performance Data Analysis in TAU", in 3rd Workshop on Productivity and Performance (PROPER 2010), 2010.
Keywords: TAU, scalability, performance analysis tools, online monitoring

W. Spear, A. D. Malony, C. W. Lee, S. Biersdorff, S. Shende. "An Approach to Creating Performance Visualizations in a Parallel Profile Analysis Tool." Presented at the Workshop on Productivity and Performance (PROPER 2011), August 2011.
Keywords: TAU, ParaProf, Topology, Performance visualization

A. Malony, B. Mohr, P. Beckman, D. Gannon, Program Analysis and Tuning Tools for a Parallel Object Oriented Language: An Experiment with the TAU System, Proceedings of the Workshop on Parallel Scientific Computing, Cape Cod, MA, October 1994.

K. Huck, S. Shende, A. Malony, H. Kaiser, A. Porterfield, R. Brightwell, "An Early Prototype of an Autonomic Performance Environment for Exascale." Published in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers, ICS'13, ACM, DOI: 10.1145/2491661.2481434, 2013.
Keywords: online performance analysis, performance introspection, TAU

K. A. Lindlan, J. Cuny, A. D. Malony, S. Shende, B. Mohr, R. Rivenburgh, C. Rasmussen. "A Tool Framework for Static and Dynamic Analysis of Object-Oriented Software with Templates." Proceedings of SC2000: High Performance Networking and Computing Conference, Dallas, November 2000.
Keywords: Program Database Toolkit, PDT, static analysis, dynamic analysis, object-oriented, templates, IL Analyzer, DUCTAPE, TAU, SILOON

K. A. Huck, and A. D. Malony, "PerfExplorer: A Performance Data Mining Framework for Large- Scale Parallel Computing," in Proc. of SC 2005 Conference, ACM, 2005.
Keywords: performance data mining, PerfExplorer, TAU, PerfDMF, R, Weka

Knowledge Engineering for Model-based Parallel Performance Diagnosis (Poster) By Li Li and Allen D. Malony Computer and Information Science Department, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR
Keywords: performance knowledge, performance diagosis

K. Karavanic, J. May, K. Mohror, B. Miller, K. Huck, R. Knapp, and B. Pugh, "Integrating Database Technology with Comparison-Based Parallel Performance Diagnosis: The Perftrack Performance Experiment Management Tool", in International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'05), (Washington, DC, USA), IEEE Computer Society, 2005.
Keywords: TAU, Perftrack, experiment management, performance diagnosis

Allen D. Malony, Wolfgang E. Nagel: Open trace - The open trace format (OTF) and open tracing for HPC. SC 2006: 24

A. Nataraj, A. Morris, A. Malony, M. Sottile, P. Beckman, "The Ghost in the Machine: Observing the Effects of Kernel Operation on Parallel Application Performance." Supercomputing Conference 2007.
Keywords: kernel, operating system noise, interference, integrated measurement, KTAU, TAU, compensation, tracing

K. A. Huck, O. Hernandez, V. Bui, S. Chandrasekaran, B. Chapman, A. D. Malony, L. C. McInnes, and B. Norris, "Capturing Performance Knowledge for Automated Analysis", in International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC'08), 2008.
Keywords: TAU, performance knowledge, automaticed analysis, compiler basied instrumentation, compiler optimizations

H. Radhakrishnan, D. Rouson, K. Morris, S. Shende, and S. Kassinos, "Test-driven coarray parallelization of a legacy Fortran Application," Proc. SE-HPCCSE 2013: 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for Performance Computing in Computational Science and Engineering, workshop at SC'13, ACM SIGHPC, pp. 33-40, 2013.
Keywords: performance evaluation, TAU, PRM, Fortran 2008, Co-array Fortran

Daniel A. Ellsworth, Allen D. Malony, Barry Rountree, Martin Schulz: Dynamic power sharing for higher job throughput. SC 2015: 80:1-80:11
Keywords: RAPL; hardware over-provisioning; HPC; power bound

Daniel A. Ellsworth, Tapasya Patki, Martin Schulz, Barry Rountree, Allen D. Malony: A Unified Platform for Exploring Power Management Strategies. E2SC@SC 2016: 24- 30

J. Linford, S. Vadlamani, S. Shende, A. D. Malony, W. Jones, W. K. Anderson, E. Nielsen, "Performance Engineering FUN3D at Scale with TAU Commander", Poster, SC'16 Conference, 2016.
Keywords: TAU Commander, TAU, FUN3D, Performance Engineering, NASA

H. Truong, T. Fahringer, G. Madsen, A. Malony, H. Moritsch, and S. Shende, "On Using SCALEA for Performance Analysis of Distributed and Parallel Programs," Proceedings of SC'2001 conference, Nov. 2001.
Keywords: Performance analysis, performance overhead classification, distributed and parallel systems, SCALEA, TAU, OpenMP

Sophia Lefantzi, Jaideep Ray, and Sameer Shende, "Strong Scalability Analysis and Performance Evaluation of a SAMR CCA-based Reacting Flow Code," Poster, SC2003 Conference, Nov. 2003.
Keywords: CCA, Performance modeling, CFRFS Combustion, TAU

Sanjay Sharma, Allen D. Malony, Michael W. Berry, Priyamvada Sinvhal- Sharma, "Run-time monitoring of concurrent programs on the Cedar multiprocessor ," Proc. 1990 conference on Supercomputing, pp. 784-793, 1990
Keywords: Cedar, Tracing, processor architectures

Allen D. Malony, John L. Larson, Daniel A. Reed, "Tracing Application Program Execution on the Cray X-MP and Cray 2," Proc. of the 1990 conference on Supercomputing, pp. 60-73, 1990.
Keywords: Tracing

Allen D. Malony, "Supercomputing Around the World," Proc. 1992 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (mini symposium), pp. 126-129, 1992.
Keywords: Supercomputing

F. Bodin, P. Beckman, D. Gannon, S. Yang, S. Kesavan, A. Malony, B. Mohr, Implementing a Parallel C++ Runtime System for Scalable Parallel Systems, Proceedings of the 1993 Supercomputing Conference, Portland, Oregon, November 1993, pp. 588-597.
Keywords: parallel C++, portability, scalability, SPMD, runtime system,concurrency and communication primitives, performance

Christopher W. Harrop, Steven T. Hackstadt, Janice E. Cuny, Allen D. Malony, and Laura S. Magde, Supporting Runtime Tool Interaction for Parallel Simulations, Proceedings of Supercomputing '98 (SC98), Orlando, FL, November 7-13, 1998 (Best Student Paper Finalist).
Keywords: runtime interaction, computational steering, matlab

Jenifer L. Skidmore, Matthew J. Sottile, Janice E. Cuny, and Allen D. Malony, A Prototype Notebook-Based Environment for Computational Tools, Proceedings of Supercomputing '98, Orlando, FL, November 1998.
Keywords: electronic notebook, distributed computing, computational science,heterogeneous, tools, World Wide Web, collaboration

P. Worley, J. Candy, L. Carrington, K. Huck, T. Kaiser, G. Mahinthakumar, A. Malony, S. Moore, D. Reed, P. Roth, H. Shan, S. Shende, A. Snavely, S. Sreepathi, F. Wolf, and Y. Zhang, "Performance Analysis of GYRO: A Tool Evaluation," Poster, Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing Conference, (SciDAC 2005), 2005.
Keywords: Performance evaluation, PERC, TAU, SvPablo, Kojak, HPM, PMaC

John C. Linford, Tyler A. Simon, Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony: Profiling Non-numeric OpenSHMEM Applications with the TAU Performance System. OpenSHMEM 2014: 105-119

Linford, J. C., Khuvis, S., Shende, S., Malony, A., Imam, N., & Venkata, M. G. (2016, August). Profiling Production OpenSHMEM Applications. In Workshop on OpenSHMEM and Related Technologies (pp. 219-224). Springer International Publishing.

Steven T. Hackstadt, Allen D. Malony, and Bernd Mohr, Scalable Performance Visualization for Data-Parallel Programs, Proc. of the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference (SHPCC), Knoxville, TN, May 1994, pp. 342-349. Also available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-94-09, March 1994.
Keywords: scalable performance visualization, scientific visualization, pC++, data-parallel programming

Daniel A. Reed, Allen D. Malony, Bradley D. McCredie, "Parallel Discrete Event Simulation: a Shared Memory Approach," Proc. 1987 ACM SIGMETRICS conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, 15(1), pp. 36- 38, 1987.
Keywords: discrete event simulation

Allen D. Malony, "Data Interpretation and Experiment Planning in Performance Tools," Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, Proceedings of the 1995 ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, pp. 62-63, 1995.
Keywords: performance measurement

Grigori Fursin, Renato Miceli, Anton Lokhmotov, Michael Gerndt, Marc Baboulin, Allen D. Malony, Zbigniew Chamski, Diego Novillo, Davide Del Vento: Collective mind: Towards practical and collaborative auto-tuning. Scientific Programming 22(4): 309-329 (2014)
Keywords: high performance computing, systematic auto-tuning, systematic benchmarking, big data driven optimization, modeling of computer behavior, performance prediction, collaborative knowledge management, public repository of knowledge, NoSQL repository, code and data sharing, specification sharing, collaborative experimentation, machine learning, data mining, multi-objective optimization, model driven optimization, agile development, plugin-based tuning, performance regression buildbot, open access publication model, reproducible research

S. Shende, J. Cuny, L. Hansen, J. Kundu, S. McLaughry and O. Wolf, Event and State-Based Debugging in TAU: A Prototype, Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools (SPDT '96), May, 1996, pp. 21-30.
Keywords: event-based debugging, state-based debugging, pC++, TAU, Ariadne

S. Shende, A. D. Malony, J. Cuny, K. Lindlan, P. Beckman and S. Karmesin, Portable Profiling and Tracing for Parallel Scientific Applications using C++, Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools (SPDT '98), August, 1998, pp. 134-145.
Keywords: performance, profiling, tracing, C++, parallel, TAU

K. Lindlan, A. Malony, J. Cuny, S. Shende, and P. Beckman, An IL Converter and Program Database for Analysis Tools, Proceedings of ACM SIGMETRICS Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Tools (SPDT '98), August 1998, pp. 153.
Keywords: IL Analyzer, PDT, static analysis

A. D. Malony, S. Shende, A. Morris, S. Biersdorff, W. Spear, K. A. Huck and A. Nataraj. "Evolution of a Parallel Performance System," Second International Workshop on Tools for High Performance Computing. July 2008
Keywords: TAU

A. Knuepfer, C. Roessel, D. an Mey, S. Biersdorff, K. Diethelm, D. Eschweiler, M. Geimer, M. Gerndt, D. Lorenz, A. Malony, W. Nagel, Y. Oleynik, P. Philippen, P. Saviankou, D. Schmidl, S. Shende, R. Tshueter, M. Wagner, B. Wesarg, and F. Wolf, "Score-P: A Joint Performance Measurement Run-Time Infrastructure for Periscope, Scalasca, TAU, and Vampir," in Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Parallel Tools for High Performance Computing, September 2011, ZIH, Dresden, piblished as book "Tools for High Performance Computing," Eds. H. Brunst, M. Muller, W. Nagel, M. Resch, pp. 79-92, Springer, 2011.
Keywords: Score-P, performance measurement, TAU, Vampir

Allen Malony, Sameer Shende, Wyatt Spear, Chee Wai Lee, and Scott Biersdorff, "Advances in the TAU Performance System," in Proc. of the 5th International Workshop on Parallel Tools for High Performance Computing, September 2011, ZIH, Dresden, piblished as book "Tools for High Performance Computing," Eds. H. Brunst, M. Muller, W. Nagel, M. Resch, pp. 119-130, Springer, 2011.
Keywords: TAU, ParaProf, Performance instrumentation, measurement, analysis.

W. Spear, S. Shende, A. Malony, R. Portillo, P. Teller, D. Cronk, S. Moore, D. Terpstra. Making Performance Analysis Tuning Part of the Software Development Cycle. UGC 2009, San Diego, CA, June 15-18, 2009.
Keywords: TAU, eclipse, CDT, PTP, SCALASCA, VampirTrace

J. E. Cuny, A. Hough, and J. Kundu. Logical Time in Visualizations Produced by Parallel Programs, Proceedings of Visualization '92, 1992, pp. 186-193.
Keywords: parallel, visualization, logical time

Kai Li, Allen D. Malony, Don M. Tucker: Automatic brain mr image segmentation by relative thresholding and morphological image analysis. VISAPP (1) 2006: 354-364
Keywords: Segmentation, brain, MR, intensity inhomogeneity, relative thresholding, mathematical morphology, skeletonbased opening, geodesic opening, a priori knowledge, first-order logic.

Kevin A. Huck, Kristin Potter, Doug W. Jacobsen, Hank Childs, Allen D. Malony: Linking performance data into scientific visualization tools. VPA@SC 2014: 50-57

Matthew J. Sottile, Geoffrey C. Hulette, Allen D. Malony: Workflow representation and runtime based on lazy functional streams. SC-WORKS 2009


"Performance Characterization of Global Address Space Applications: A Case Study with NWChem." J. R. Hammond, S. Krishnamoorthy, S. Shende, N. A. Romero, A. D. Malony. To appear in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 2010
Keywords: NWChem, TAU, Global Address Space, PGAS

A. Nataraj, A. Malony, A. Morris, D. Arnold, B. Miller, "A Framework for Scalable, Parallel Performance Monitoring" published in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Special Issue from STHEC'08 Workshop.
Keywords: performance, monitoring, tree-based, overlay, TAU, MRNet

V. Bui, B. Norris, K. Huck, L. C. McInnes, L. Li, O. Hernandez, and B. Chapman, "A Component Infrastructure for Performance and Power Modeling of Parallel Scientific Applications", in Component-Based High Performance Computing (CBHPC 2008), 2008.
Keywords: power modeling, performance modeling, Common Component Architecture, CCA

A. Malony, S. Shende, N. Trebon, J. Ray, R. Armstrong, C. Rasmussen, and M. Sottile, "Performance Technology for Parallel and Distributed Component Software," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol. 17, Issue 2-4, pp. 117-141, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Feb - Apr, 2005.
Keywords: component software, performance, parallel, distributed, optimization, CCA, TAU

Aroon Nataraj, Allen D. Malony, Alan Morris, Dorian C. Arnold, Barton P. Miller: A framework for scalable, parallel performance monitoring. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 22(6): 720-735 (2010)

J. Hammond, S. Krishnamoorthy, S. Shende, N. A. Romero, A. D. Malony, "Performance Characterization of Global Address Space Applications: A Case Study with NWChem", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 24(2): 135-154, John Wiley and Sons, DOI:10.1002/cpe.1881, 2012.
Keywords: performance characterization, global address space, computational chemistry, NWChem

N. A. Romero, C. Glinsvad, A. H. Larsen, J. Enkovaara, S. Shende, V. A. Morozov, and J. J. Mortensen, "Design and performance characterization of electronic structure calculations on massively parallel supercomputers: a case study of GPAW on the Blue Gene/P architecture", Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Dec. 2013, DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3199, John Wiley and Sons.
Keywords: GPAW, electronic structure, DFT, Blue Gene, massive parallelization, high-performance computing, TAU

Salman, A., Malony, A., Turovets, S., Volkov, V., Ozog, D., & Tucker, D. (2015). Concurrency in electrical neuroinformatics: parallel computation for studying the volume conduction of brain electrical fields in human head tissues. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience.

N. Trebon, A. Morris, J. Ray, S. Shende, and A. D. Malony, "Performance Modeling of Component Assemblies," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, CPE 1076, Special issue Compframe 2005, John Wiley, 2006.
Keywords: component, performance, TAU

S. Shende, A. D. Malony, A. Morris, S. Parker, J. de St. Germain, "Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Scientific Applications using TAU," chapter, Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics - Theory and Applications, (eds - A. Deane et. al.), pp. 421-428, Elsevier B.V., 2006.
Keywords: CFD, Uintah, Phases, TAU, performance evaluation

C. E. Rasmussen, M. J. Sottile, S. S. Shende, and A. D. Malony, "Bridging the language gap in scientific computing: the Chasm approach," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience,Volume 18, Issue 2 (February 2006), pp. 151-162, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Keywords: Fortran 95, C, C++, language interoperability, XML, compilers, PDT

A. Nataraj, A.Malony, S. Shende, A. Morris, "Integrated Parallel Performance Views." Appears in Cluster Computing published by Springer Netherlands
Keywords: Parallel performance, Kernel, Linux, Instrumentation, Measurement, Integrated

P. Beckman, K. Iskra, K. Yoshii, S. Coghlan and A. Nataraj, "Benchmarking the effects of operating system interference on extreme-scale parallel machines", Appears in Cluster Computing 2008 (pg 3-16) published by Springer Netherlands 1386-7857 (Print) 1573-7543 (Online) Volume 11, Number 1 / March, 2008
Keywords: Microbenchmark, Noise, Petascale, Synchronicity

Michael T. Heath, Allen D. Malony, Diane T. Rover, "The Visual Display of Parallel Performance Data," IEEE Computer, 28(11), Nov. 1995, pp. 21-28, 1995.
Keywords: data visualization, tracing

S. Shende, and A. D. Malony, "Integration and Application of TAU in Parallel Java Environments," Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Volume 15 (3-5), Mar-Apr 2003, Wiley, pp. 501-519, 2003.
Keywords: TAU, Parallel, Java, Performance Tools

L. Li, and A. D. Malony, "Knowledge Engineering for Automatic Parallel Performance Diagnosis," (submitted to) Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.
Keywords: Performance, Diagnosis, Knowledge Engineering, Parallel, TAU

Allen D. Malony, B. Robert Helm, "A theory and architecture for automating performance diagnosis," Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol 18, Issue 1, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, pg. 189-200, Sept. 2001.
Keywords: Performance, Diagnosis, Parallel

Alois Ferscha, Allen D. Malony: Performance data mining: Automated diagnosis, adaption, and optimization. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(1): 127-130 (2001)
Keywords: Performance data mining; Parallel; Diagnosis; Adaption; Optimization

A. D. Malony, "Tools for Parallel Computing: A Performance Evaluation Perspective," in J. Blazewicz et. al. (Editors), Handbook on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Springer Verlag, pp. 342-363, 2000.
Keywords: parallel performance environments, performance evaluation, performance diagnosis, perturbation, observability, measurement, prediction, parallel tools

Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony, Visualizing Parallel Programs and Performance, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 4, July 1995, pp. 12-14.
Keywords: parallel performance visualization, scientific visualization, data explorer

Michael T. Heath, Allen D. Malony, and Diane T. Rover, The Visual Display of Parallel Performance Data, IEEE Computer, Vol. 28, No. 11, November 1995, pp. 21-28.
Keywords: parallel performance visualization, models, concepts, principles, scientific visualization, case studies

Michael T. Heath, Allen D. Malony, and Diane T. Rover, Parallel Performance Visualization: From Practice To Theory, IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4, Winter 1995, pp. 44-60.
Keywords: parallel performance visualization, models, concepts, principles, scientific visualization, case studies

Allen D. Malony, "Multiprocessor Instrumentation: Approaches for Cedar," Chapter, Instrumentation for Future Parallel Computing Systems (Eds: M. Simmons, R. Koskela, I. Bucher), ACM Press, NY, pp 1-33, 1989.
Keywords: Cedar, measurement techniques, modeling techniques, parallel processors, Complexity hierarchies

David E. Bernholdt, Benjamin A. Allan, Robert Armstrong, Felipe Bertrand, Kenneth Chiu, Tamara L. Dahlgren, Kostadin Damevski, Wael R. Elwasif, Thomas G. W. Epperly, Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Daniel S. Katz, James A. Kohl, Manoj Krishnan, Gary Kumfert, J. Walter Larson, Sophia Lefantzi, Michael J. Lewis, Allen D. Malony, Lois C. McInnes, Jarek Nieplocha, Boyana Norris, Steven G. Parker, Jaideep Ray, Sameer Shende, Theresa L. Windus, and Shujia Zhou, "A Component Architecture for High-Performance Scientific Computing," International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, ACTS Collection Special Issue, SAGE Publications, 20(2):163 -- 202, Summer 2006.
Keywords: CCA

S. Shende and A. D. Malony, "The TAU Parallel Performance System," International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, SAGE Publications, 20(2):287-331, Summer 2006
Keywords: TAU, Profiling, Tracing, PerfDMF, performance evaluation, instrumentation, measurement, analysis, Paraprof

A. D. Malony, S. Shende, A. Morris, and F. Wolf, "Compensation of Measurement Overhead in Parallel Performance Profiling," in International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), Vol 21, No. 2, pp. 174--194, Summer 2007.
Keywords: Performance measurement and analysis, parallel computing, profiling,intrusion, overhead compensation, TAU

Allen D. Malony and Steven T. Hackstadt, Performance of a System for Interacting with Parallel Applications, International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks, special issue on Measurement of Program and System Performance, M. H. Mickle, ed., Vol. 2, No. 3, 1999, Acta Press, Anaheim, CA, pp. 155-170.
Keywords: distributed data, program interaction, performance analysis, parallel tool, computational steering

J. Davison de St. Germain, Alan Morris, Steven G. Parker, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende: Performance Analysis Integration in the Uintah Software Development Cycle. International Journal of Parallel Programming 31(1): 35-53 (2003)
Keywords: Uintah, TAU, XPARE, Performance Mapping, SEAA

Janice Cuny, Robert Dunn, Steven T. Hackstadt, Christopher Harrop, Harold H. Hersey, Allen D. Malony, and Douglas Toomey, Building Domain-Specific Environments for Computational Science: A Case Study in Seismic Tomography, International Journal of Supercomputing Applications and High Performance Computing, Vol. 11, No. 3, Fall 1997. Also appearing in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Environments and Tools For Parallel Scientific Computing, Lyon, France, August 1996.
Keywords: computational science, domain-specific environments, seismic tomography, visualization, distributed data access

A. Morris, A. D. Malony, S. Shende, "Supporting Nested OpenMP Parallelism in the TAU Performance System," (to appear) International Journal of Parallel Programming, Springer, LNCS, 2007.
Keywords: OpenMP, nested parallelism, TAU

David Ozog, Jay McCarty, Grant Gossett, Allen D. Malony, Marina Guenza: Fast equilibration of coarse-grained polymeric liquids. J. Comput. Science 9: 33-38 (2015)

D. Gunter, K. Huck, K. Karavanic, J. May, A. Malony, K. Mohror, S. Moore, A. Morris, S. Shende, V. Taylor, X. Wu, and Y. Zhang, "Performance database technology for SciDAC applications", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 78, June 2007.

P. Worley, J. Candy, L. Carrington, K. Huck, T. Kaiser, G. Mahinthakumar, A. Malony, S. Moore, D. Reed, P. Roth, H. Shan, S. Shende, A. Snavely, S. Sreepathi, F. Wolf, and Y. Zhang, "Performance analysis of GYRO: a tool evaluation", Journal of Physics: Conference Series 16 (2005) pp. 551-555, SciDAC 2005, Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd., 2005.
Keywords: IPM, KOJAK, TAU, SvPablo, PMaC, Gyro, Performance evaluation

Sergei Turovets, Vasily Volkov, Aleksei Zherdetsky, Alena Prakonina, Allen D. Malony: A 3D Finite-Difference BiCG Iterative Solver with the Fourier-Jacobi Preconditioner for the Anisotropic EIT/EEG Forward Problem. Comp. Math. Methods in Medicine 2014: 426902:1-426902:12 (2014)

M.S. Mueller, B. Chapman, B.R.d. Supinski, A.D. Malony, M. Voss (Eds), "OpenMP Shared Memory Parallel Programming". Proceedings of the International Workshop, IWOMP 2005 and IWOMP 2006.
Keywords: MPI, cluster, computing, collaborative, compiler, optimization, computational, science, data, clustering, distributed, systems, embedded, systems, grid, computing, hierarchical, thread, scheduling, high, performance, computing, hybrid, parallelization, memory, bandwidth, modeling, multi-core, multi-threaded, computing, nested, parallelism, numerical, computation, openMP, parallel, programming, parallelization, performance, evaluation, performance, optimizations, program, analysis, scalability, shared, memory, simulation

A. D. Malony, S. Shende, R. Bell, K. Li, L. Li, N. Trebon, "Advances in the TAU Performance System," Chapter, "Performance Analysis and Grid Computing," (Eds. V. Getov, M. Gerndt, A. Hoisie, A. Malony, B. Miller), Kluwer, Norwell, MA, pp. 129-144, 2003.
Keywords: Performance, tools, parallel, distributed, TAU

Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, "Performance Technology for Complex Parallel and Distributed Systems," in "Quality of Parallel and Distributed Programs and Systems," (Eds. Peter Kacsuk and Gabriele Kotsis), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 25-41, 2003.
Keywords: Performance tools, complex systems, instrumentation, measurement, analysis, TAU

K.A. Gallivan, W. Jalby, A.D. Malony and P.C. Yew, "Performance Analysis on the Cedar System", Chapter, Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers, Edited by J. Martin, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), pp. 109-142, 1987.
Keywords: Cedar, performance measurement.

Allen D. Malony, "JED: Just an Event Display," Chapter, Performance Instrumentation and Visualization, (Eds: M. Simmons, R. Koskela), ACM Press, NY, pp. 99-115, 1990.
Keywords: JED, interconnection architectures, performance attributes, performance measurement

L. McInness, T. Dahlgren, J. Nieplocha, D. Bernholdt, B. Allan, R. Armstrong, D. Chavarria, W. Elwasif, I. Gorton, J. Kenny, M. Krishnan, A. Malony, B. Norris, J. Ray, and S. Shende, "Research Initiatives for Plug-and-play Scientific Computing", J. Physics: Conference Series Vol. 78 No. 012046, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/78/1/012046, Proc. SciDAC Conference, 2007.
Keywords: CCA, TAU, Component software, CQoS

Y. Zhang, R. Fowler, K. Huck, A. Malony, A. Porterfield, D. Reed, S. Shende, V. Taylor, and X. Wu, "US QCD Computational Performance Studies with PERI," J. Physics: Conference Series Vol. 78, No. 012083 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/78/1/012083, Proc. of SciDAC 2007 conference, 2007.
Keywords: QCD, USQCD, PERI, TAU, PerfDMF, PerfExplorer

Kyle Gallivan, Dennis Gannon, William Jalby, Allen D. Malony, Harry A. G. Wijshoff, "Behavioral Characterization of Multiprocessor Memory Systems: a Case Study," ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 17, Issue 1, pp. 79-88, May 1989.
Keywords: cache memories, software engineering, array and vector processors, supercomputers, main memory

Vincent A. Guarna, Jr., Dennis Gannon, David Jablonowski, Allen D. Malony, Yogesh Gaur, "Faust: An Integrated Environment for Parallel Programming," IEEE Software Vol. 6, No. 4, July/August 1989, pp. 20-27, 1989.
Keywords: Faust, parallel programming, project-management tool, context editor, program database, performance-evaluation tools, functional integration, common data sets, Sigma, application code, dynamic call-graph tool, multiprocessor performance analysis, parallel programming, programming environments, project support environments

Allen D. Malony, David H. Hammerslag, David J. Jablonowski, "Traceview: A Trace Visualization Tool," IEEE Software, 8(5), pp 19-28, 1991.
Keywords: Traceview, I/O features, computer graphics, trace-management, trace-data analysis, trace visualization tool, trace-analysis systems

K. A. Huck, A. D. Malony, S. Shende, and A. Morris, "Knowledge Support and Automation for Performance Analysis with PerfExplorer 2.0", Large-Scale Programming Tools and Environments, special issue of Scientific Programming, vol. 16, no. 2-3, pp. 123--134. 2008.
Keywords: TAU, parallel performance analysis, data mining, scalability, scripting, metadata, knowledge supported analysis

Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony, DAQV: Distributed Array Query and Visualization Framework, Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, special issue on Parallel Computing, Vol. 196, No. 1-2, April 1998, pp. 289-317.
Keywords: visualization, distributed data access, hpf, parallel tool

B. Mohr, A. Malony, S. Shende, F.Wolf, "Design and Prototype of a Performance Tool Interface for OpenMP," The Journal of Supercomputing, 23, 105-128,2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

A. D. Malony, D. A. Reed, H. A. G. Wijshoff, "Performance Measurement Intrusion and Perturbation Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems," 3(4) July 1992, pp. 433-450, 1992.
Keywords: perturbation compensation, performance measurement

Daniel A. Reed, Allen D. Malony, Bradley McCredie, "Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Using Shared Memory," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 14(4), April 1988, pp. 541-553, 1988
Keywords: Chandy-Misra algorithm, deadlock recovery, discrete event simulation, distributed simulation, parallel processing

K. Gallivan, D. Gannon, W. Jalby, A. Malony, H. Wijshoff , "Experimentally Characterizing the Behavior of Multiprocessor Memory Systems: A Case Study," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 16(2), pp 216-223, 1990
Keywords: Characterization, memory systems, multiprocessor, performance

Theses and Dissertations

Steven T. Hackstadt, Prototyping Advanced Parallel Program and Performance Visualizations, University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Masters Thesis, June 1994. Also available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-95-15, June 1995.
Keywords: visualization prototyping, scientific visualization, parallel performance visualization, program visualization, case studies, scalable visualization, data distribution visualization

Steven T. Hackstadt, Domain-Specific Metacomputing for Computational Science: Achieving Specificity Through Abstraction, University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Oral Comprehensive Exam Position Paper, September 1997. Available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-97-08, November 1997.
Keywords: metacomputing, heterogeneous computing, domain-specific environments, DSE, software architecutre,domain-specific software architecture, DSSA, computational science

K. Huck, "Knowledge Support for Parallel Performance Data Mining," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon, March 2009.
Keywords: TAU, PerfExplorer, PerfDMF, data mining, performance knowledge support

J. Kundu, Integrating Event- and State- Based Approaches to Debugging of Parallel Programs, PhD Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, 1996.
Keywords: Ariadne, event-based debugging, state-based debugging

K. Li "Neuroanatomical Segmentation in MRI Exploiting a priori Knowledge." Department of Computer and Information Science University of Oregon. March 2007

L. Li, "Model-based Automatic Performance Diagnosis of Parallel Computations." Department of Computer and Information Science University of Oregon. Feburary 2007

Allen D. Malony, "Performance Observability," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Technical Report UIUCDCS-R-90-1603, October 1990.
Keywords: Parallel performance, perturbation analysis, observation

Matthew J. Sottile, "The design of a general method for constructing coupled scientific simulations," M.S. Thesis, University of Oregon, 2001.
Keywords: model coupling, parallel computing, control flow graph, Petri Nets

Nicholas Dale Trebon, "Performance Measurement and Modeling of Component Applications in a High Performance Computing Environment," M.S. Thesis, University of Oregon, June 2005
Keywords: Performance measurement, modeling, component software, parallel computing, CCA, TAU



A. M. Salman. "A Software Framework for Simulation-based Scientific Investigations." Department of Computer and Information Science University of Oregon. March 2010

S. Shende, "The Role of Instrumentation and Mapping in Performance Measurement," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Oregon, August 2001.
Keywords: Instrumentation, SEAA, Mapping, Instrumentation-Aware Compilation

Technical Reports

W. Abu-Sufah and A. Malony, "Experimental Results for Vector Processing on the Alliant FX/ 8," CSRD Tech Report #549, UIUC, Feb. 1986.
Keywords: Alliant, Vector processing, Cedar, performance measurement.Alliant, Vector processing, Cedar, performance measurement.Alliant, Vector processing, Cedar, performance measurement.Alliant, Vector processing, Cedar, performance measurement.Alliant, Vector processing, Cedar, performance measurement.

K. Gallivan, W. Jalby, A. Malony and P.-C. Yew, "Performance Analysis on the Cedar System," CSRD Report No. 680, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sept. 1987.
Keywords: Cedar, performance measurement.

A. D. Malony, "Regular Processor Arrays," CSRD Report No. 734, UIUC, Jan. 1988.
Keywords: regularity, processor arrays, emulation, interconnection networks

Allen D. Malony, and Joseph R. Pickert, "An Environment Architecture and its use in Performance Data Analysis," Center for Supercomputing Research and Development, Technical Report 829, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, Oct. 1988.

A.D. Malony, V. Mertsiotakis, A. Quick. "Stochastic Modeling of Scaled Parallel Programs," Technical Report, Universitat Erlangen--Nurnberg, IMMD VII, 1994.
Keywords: Stochastic modeling, PEPP

J. Ray, N. Trebon, R. C. Armstrong, S. Shende, and A. Malony, "Performance Measurement and Modeling of Component Applications in a High Performance Computing Environment: A Case Study, " Technical Report SAND2003-8631, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, Nov. 2003.
Keywords: CCA, Performance modeling, CFRFS Combustion, TAU

N. Trebon, J. Ray, S. Shende, R. C. Armstrong, and A. Malony, "An Approximate Method for Optimizing HPC component Applications in the Presence of Multiple Component Implementations," Technical Report SAND2003-8760C, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA, December 2003. Available from [ 2003/038760c.pdf]
Keywords: Performance, CCA, proxy components, TAU

Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony, Data Distribution Visualization (DDV) for Performance Visualization, University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-93-21, October 1993.
Keywords: data distribution visualization, scientific visualization

Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony, Next-Generation Parallel Performance Visualization: A Prototyping Environment for Visualization Development, Proc. of the Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe (PARLE) Conference, Athens, Greece, July 1994, pp. 192-201. Also available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-93-23, October 1993.
Keywords: parallel performance visualization, scientific visualization, visualization prototyping

Steven T. Hackstadt, Allen D. Malony, and Bernd Mohr, Scalable Performance Visualization for Data-Parallel Programs, Proc. of the Scalable High Performance Computing Conference (SHPCC), Knoxville, TN, May 1994, pp. 342-349. Also available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-94-09, March 1994.
Keywords: scalable performance visualization, scientific visualization, pC++, data-parallel programming

Steven T. Hackstadt, Prototyping Advanced Parallel Program and Performance Visualizations, University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Masters Thesis, June 1994. Also available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-95-15, June 1995.
Keywords: visualization prototyping, scientific visualization, parallel performance visualization, program visualization, case studies, scalable visualization, data distribution visualization

Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony, Distributed Array Query and Visualization for High Performance Fortran, Proc. of Euro-Par '96, Lyon, France, August 1996, pp. 55-63. Also available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-96-02, February 1996.
Keywords: visualization, distributed data access, hpf, parallel tool, runtime program interaction, tool framework

Harold H. Hersey, Steven T. Hackstadt, Lars T. Hansen, and Allen D. Malony, Viz: A Visualization Programming System, University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-96-05, April 1996.
Keywords: programmable visualization system, scheme, open inventor, data reactivity, scientific visualization, animation

Steven T. Hackstadt, Domain-Specific Metacomputing for Computational Science: Achieving Specificity Through Abstraction, University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Oral Comprehensive Exam Position Paper, September 1997. Available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-97-08, November 1997.
Keywords: metacomputing, heterogeneous computing, domain-specific environments, DSE, software architecutre,domain-specific software architecture, DSSA, computational science

Steven T. Hackstadt, Christopher W. Harrop, and Allen D. Malony, A Framework for Interacting with Distributed Programs and Data, Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC7), Chicago, IL, July 28-31, 1998. Also available as University of Oregon, Department of Computer and Information Science, Technical Report CIS-TR-98-02, June 1998.
Keywords: parallel tools, distributed arrays, visualization, computational steering, model coupling, runtime interaction, data access, Fortran 90

Talks and Presentations

K. Huck, A. Malony, S. Shende and A. Morris. "TAUg: Runtime Global Performance Data Access using MPI." EuroPVM/MPI Conference, September 2006
Keywords: TAU, TAUg, global data acsess, performance monitoring, online performance adaption

A. Nataraj, A. Malony, A. Morris, D. Arnold, B. Miller, "TAUoverMRNet (ToM) : A Framework for Scalable Parallel Performance Monitoring", Presented at STHEC'08: International Workshop on Scalable Tools for High-End Computing, held in conjunction with the International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS 2008)
Keywords: performance, monitoring, tree-based, overlay, TAU, MRNet

S. Shende, "Tuning and Analysis Utilities," presentation at ACTS Toolkit Workshop, "Solving Problems in Science and Engineering," LBNL, NERSC, Berkeley, CA, Oct. 10-13, 2001.
Keywords: TAU, PDT

Allen D. Malony, "The TAU Performance System." Presented at the DOE ACTS workshop September 2002
Keywords: TAU, Instrumentation, Mesurement, Analysis, Performance Mapping, PETSc

Sameer Shende , "Tuning and Analysis Utilities ."
Keywords: TAU, PDT, pprof, openMP

Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, "TAU Performance System ." Presented at ACTS Workshop 2005
Keywords: Performance problem solving, TAU, PDT, ParaProf, PerfExplorer, PerfDMF

S. Shende, A. D. Malony, and A. Morris, "TAU Performance System," talk at ACTS Workshop, LBL, Aug. 2006.
Keywords: TAU, PDT, Vampir, VNG

A. D. Malony, S. Shende, R. A. Bell, "Parallel Program Analysis Framework for the DOE ACTS Toolkit," presentation at NERSC ACTS booth, SC'00, 2002.
Keywords: TAU, PDT, ACTS

Allen D. Malony, "TAU Performance DataBase Framework (PerfDBF)." Presented at EuroPar 2002
Keywords: PrefDBF, TAU, X-PARE

Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, "Performance Technology for Complex Parallel Systems", Talk at Army Research Lab (Aberdeen Proving Ground), MD, Sept. 2002.
Keywords: TAU, PDT, PAPI, Opari

"Neuroinformatics Research at UO" Presented for the Brain Biology Machine Initiative February 2005
Keywords: Neuroinformatics, EGI, EEG

A. Morris, S. Shende, A. Malony, "TAU Performance System", presentation at BGL Workshop, Tokyo 2006
Keywords: TAU, BGL

Allen D. Malony "Neuroinformatics, the ICONIC Grid, and Oregons Science Industry." Presented to the 2004 Bioscience Conference
Keywords: Neuroinformatics, ICONIC Grid, Oregons Science Industry

"Performance Technology for Complex Parallel Systems."
Keywords: TAU, PDT, pprof

Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, "Performance Engineering Technology for Complex Scientific Component Software." Presented at Pasadena CCA Meeting January 2003
Keywords: TAU, CCA, Performance Engineered Component Software, PDT, Measurement Port

Sameer Shende, "Generating Proxy Components using PDT." Presented at Boulder CCA Meeting April 2004
Keywords: TAU, PDT, Proxy Components, CCA

Sameer Shende, Alan Morris, "Advances in the TAU Performance System."
Keywords: TAU, PDT, pprof, CCA, ParaProf

A. Nataraj, A. Malony, S. Shende, A. Morris, "Kernel-Level Measurement for Integrated Parallel Performance Views: the KTAU Project,"
Keywords: kernel mesurment, KTAU, TAU

A. Nataraj, A. Malony, A. Morris, D. Arnold, B. Miller, "In Search of Sweet-Spots in Parallel Performance Monitoring", Presented at International Conference on Cluster Computing, Tsukuba, Japan, September 2008
Keywords: performance, monitoring, tree-based, overlay, TAU, MRNet

N. Trebon, A. Morris, J. Ray, S. Shende, and A. Malony, "Performance Modeling of Component Assemblies with TAU," presentation at the CompFrame05 conference, Atlanta, 2005.
Keywords: Performance measurement, modeling, component software, parallel computing, CCA, TAU

S. Shende, A. D. Malony, A. Morris, P. Beckman, "Performance and Memory Evaluation using TAU," Presentation at the Cray User's Group conference (CUG'06), May 2006.
Keywords: TAU, PDT, Cray XT3, Catamount, Memory evaluation

Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, "Advances in the TAU Performance System." Persented to Dagstuhl Conference August 2002
Keywords: TAU, Performance System, Performance Technology, Instrumentation Control, Performance Maping, Performance Data Interaction

A. D. Malony, S. Shende, "Performance Technology for Complex Parallel and Distributed Systems," presentation at DAPSYS 2000 conference, 2000.
Keywords: TAU, PDT

"TAU Parallel Performance System."
Keywords: TAU, DOD, pprof, Code Transformation and Instrumentation, ParaProf

Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, Alan Morris, Felix Wolf, "Performance Profiling Overhead Compensation for MPI Programs ." Presented at EuroPVM-MPI
Keywords: TAU, MPI, Profiling Overhead, Overhead Compensation

Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony , "Performance Optimization and Tools for HPC Architectures using TAU." Presented at ERDC October 2004
Keywords: TAU, PDT, Preformance Mapping, CCA, ParaProf, pprof

Sameer Shende, Nancy Collins, "Using TAU Performance Technology in ESMF." Presented at ESMF Team Meeting July 2004
Keywords: TAU, PDT, MPI, ESMF

Allen D. Malony, "TAU Performance DataBase Framework (PerfDBF)." Persented at APART EuroPar 2002 workshop
Keywords: TAU, Performance Database Framework, XML profile data representation, X-PARE

Robert Bell, Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, "ParaProf: A Portable, Extensible, and Scalable Tool for Parallel Performance Profile Analysis." Presented at EuroPar August 2003
Keywords: Paraprof, Profiling Tools

A. Nataraj, M. Sottile, A. Morris, A. D. Malony, S. Shende. "TAUoverSupermon (ToS) Low-Overhead Online Parallel Performance Monitoring." Presented at Euro-Par 2007.
Keywords: TAU, Supermon, Performance Monitoring, Online Monitoring

A. Nataraj, A. Malony, A. Morris, S. Shende, "Early Experiences with KTAU on the IBM Blue Gene / L" Europar 2006.
Keywords: tau, zeptoOS, ktau, phase profiling, kernel profiling,

B. Mohr, A. D. Malony, S. Shende, and F. Wolf, "Towards a Performance Tool Interface for OpenMP: An Approach Based on Directive Rewriting," Presentation at EWOMP'01 Third European Workshop on OpenMP, Sept. 2001.
Keywords: OpenMP, directive rewriting, instrumentation interface, TAU, EXPERT

Allen D. Malony, "Performance Technology for Scientific (Parallel and Distributed) Component Software." Presented at Grid Performance Workshop 2002
Keywords: Grid, Performance Engineering, Performance Technology

A. D. Malony, "Distributed Computational Architectures for Integrated Time-Dynamic Neuroimaging," HBP Neuroinformatics conference, 2000.
Keywords: neuroinformatics

A. D. Malony, "Distributed Computational Architectures for Integrated Time-Dynamic Neuroimaging," presentation at Hill Center, 2001.
Keywords: neuroinformatics

Allen D. Malony, "Distributed Computational Architectures for Integrated Time-Dynamic Neuroimaging." Presented at The Hill Center November 2005
Keywords: Computational Science, Cognitive Neuroscience, Brain Dynamics, Computational Architectures

A. Nataraj, "TAU: Recent Advances KTAU: Kernel-Level Measurement for Integrated Parallel Performance Views, TAUg: Runtime Global Performance Data Access Using MPI."
Keywords: KTAU, TAUg, perturbation, zeptoOS, global performance, load balancing

J. Dongarra, A. D. Malony, S. Moore, P. Mucci, and S. Shende, "Performance Instrumentation and Measurement for Terascale Systems," Proc. Terascale Performance Analysis Workshop, International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2003), 2003.
Keywords: TAU, PAPI, Perfometer, instrumentation, measurement, performance analysis, terascale

S. Shende and A. D. Malony, "Integration and Application of the TAU Performance System in Parallel Java Environments," presentation at the Joint ACM Java Grande - ISCOPE 2001 Conference, June 2001.
Keywords: TAU, Java, MPI,

"Integrating Performance Analysis in the Uintah Software Development Cycle." Presented at ISHPC 2002
Keywords: Scientific Software Engineering, C-SAFE, Uintah Computational Framework, TAU, Performance Mapping, Performance Analysis

Sameer Shende, and Allen D. Malony, "Performance Tools for Parallel Java Environments," slides from talk at Second Workshop on Java for High Performance Computing, ICS 2000, Santa Fe, May 2000.
Keywords: Java, TAU, parallel, MPI, profiling, tracing, performance evaluation

"KTAU - Kernel Tuning and Analysis Utilities."
Keywords: KTAU, Kernel, BG/L, KTAU-D

Aroon Nataraj, Suravee Suthikulpanit, "KTAU: Kernel TAU."
Keywords: KTAU

Sameer Shende, "TAU: New Directions", presentation at Parallel Software Tools Workshop, LACSI 2000 Symposium, Aug 28-30, 2000, Santa Fe, NM.
Keywords: TAU, PDT, profiling, tracing, directions

Sameer Shende , "The TAU Performance System: Advances in Performance Mapping."
Keywords: TAU, PDT, POOMA, Performance Mapping

"Performance Technology for Component Software," Allen D. Malony, Sameer S. Shende, Presentation at Performance Tools Workshop, Los Alamos Computer Science Institute Symposium (LACSI'02), Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 2002.
Keywords: CCA, TAU, CCAFEINE, Port, Measurement, POC, PKC

S. Shende, "The TAU Performance System: Advances in Performance Mapping," presentation at "Tools for Performance Analysis of large Scale Applications," workshop, LACSI 2001 Symposium, Santa Fe, NM, Oct. 15-18, 2001.
Keywords: TAU, PDT, mapping

A. D. Malony, S. Shende, and R. A. Bell, "TAU Performace System: Developments and Evolution," presentation at LLNL, 2001.
Keywords: TAU, PDT

Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, "Recent Advances in the TAU Performance System." Presented at LLNL September 2002
Keywords: TAU, Instrumentation Control, Performance Mapping, Component Software Performance Analysis

Allen D. Malony, "Performance Technology for Productive, High-End Parallel Computing." Presented at LLNL October 2004
Keywords: Performance Technology, Autonomic Performance Tools, TAU, Performance Data Mining

Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, "TAU: Performance Technology for Productive, High Performance Computing." Presented at LLNL 2005
Keywords: TAU, PDT, ParaProf, PerfExpoler

"TAU Performance System." Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malon. Presented at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory January 2006
Keywords: TAU, paraprof, vampir, Performance data management, data mining, perfexplorer, Clustering analysis

Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, Robert Bell, "The TAU Performance Technology for Complex Parallel Systems." Presented at NASA Stennis Space Center March 2004
Keywords: TAU, PDT, pprof, ParaProf, PerfDMF, OPARI

Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, Robert Bell University of Oregon , "The TAU Performance Technology for Complex Parallel Systems." Presented at NRL D.C. BYOC Workshop August 2004
Keywords: TAU, Callpath, PDT, ParaProf

A. D. Malony, "Performance Tools Interface for OpenMP," a presentation to the OpenMP Futures Committee, 2001.

Allen D. Malony, "Performance Technology for Productive, High-End Parallel Computing." Presented at ORNL 2005
Keywords: performance technology, Autonomic Performance Tools, TAU, Performance Data Mining, PerfDMF, PerfExplorer, Comparative analysis, Clustering analysis

Jack Dongarra, Shirley Moore, Philip Mucci, Sameer Shende, and Allen Malony, "Performance Instrumentation and Measurement for Terascale Systems." 2003
Keywords: Performance Evaluation, DyninstAPI, TAU, PDT, OPARI, ParaProf, PAPI, DynaProf, Perfometer

S. Shende, A. Malony, A. Morris, "Optimization of Instrumentation in Parallel Performance Evaluation Tools," Performance Research Laboratory, Department of Computer and Information Science University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA.
Keywords: Instrument optimization, selective instrumentation, measurement, Performance measurement and analysis, parallel computing

S. Shende, A. Malony, A. Morris, "Workload Characterization using the TAU Performance System," Performance Research Laboratory, Department of Computer and Information Science University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA.
Keywords: Performance mapping, measurement, instrumentation, performance evaluation, workload characterization

Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, Robert Bell, "Online Performance Monitoring, Analysis, and Visualization of Large-Scale Parallel Applications." Presented at ParaCo 2003
Keywords: Measurement Intrusion, Online Performance Analysis, TAU

Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, Alan Morris, "Phase-Based Parallel Performance Profiling" Presented at ParaCo 2005
Keywords: Callpath, Phase Profiling, Performance Mapping, NAS Parallel Benchmarks

K. Huck, A. Malony, S. Shende, A. Morris, "Scalable, Automated Parallel Performance Analysis with TAU, PerfDMF and PerfExplorer." Presented at International Conference on Parallel Computing (ParCo) September 2007.
Keywords: TAU, PerfDMF, PerfExplorer, phase profiling, metadata, regression analysis

S. Shende, A. D. Malony, R. Ansell-Bell, "Instrumentation and Measurement Strategies for Flexible and Portable Empirical Performance Evaluation," presentation at Tools and Techniques for Performance Evaluation Workshop, PDPTA'01, C.S.R.E.A., June 2001.
Keywords: TAU, instrumentation, measurement, MPI, DyninstAPI

Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, "PERC Ideas." Presented at Performance Technology for Productive, High-End Parallel Computing
Keywords: TAU, PDT, ParaProf, PerfExpoler

Allen D. Malony, "High-Performance Computing, Computational Science, and NeuroInformatics Research." Presented at PNNL April 2004
Keywords: High Performance Computing, Neuroinformatics, TAU, ICONIC Grid

Kai Li, Allen D. Malony, Robert Bell, Sameer Shende, "A Framework for Online Performance Analysis and Visualization of Large-Scale Parallel Applications." Presented at PPAM 2003
Keywords: Online Performance Analysis, TAU, Computation Steering, Performance Steering

Allen D. Malony, "Performance Technology for Productive, High-End Parallel Computing." Presented at PSC 2005
Keywords: Performance Problem Solving, TAU, PDT, ParaProf, PerfExplorer

Sameer Shende, "Building Your Own Performance Evaluation Tools", talk at Portland State University, May 13, 2000.
Keywords: TAU, performance evaluation, profiling, tracing, JVMPI, MPI, instrumentation, measurement, analysis

A. D. Malony, "TAU: A Framework for Parallel Performance Analysis," presentation at PTOOLS meeting, 2000.
Keywords: TAU, PDT

Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, "Recent Advances in the TAU Performance System," Presentation at PTOOLS'02 meeting, Knoxville, TN, Sept. 2002.
Keywords: TAU, PDT, Opari

Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, Robert Ansell-Bell, "Parallel Program Analysis Framework for the DOE ACTS Toolkit." Presented at Super Computing Confernce 2000
Keywords: TAU, Hardware Performance Measurement, PDT

K. A. Lindlan, J. Cuny, A. D. Malony, S. Shende, B. Mohr, R. Rivenburgh, C. Rasmussen. "A Tool Framework for Static and Dynamic Analysis of Object-Oriented Software with Templates." Talk at SC2000: High Performance Networking and Computing Conference, Dallas, November 2000.
Keywords: Program Database Toolkit, PDT, static analysis, dynamic analysis, object-oriented, templates, IL Analyzer, DUCTAPE, TAU, SILOON

A. D. Malony, S. Shende, and B. Mohr, "Performance Technology for Complex Parallel Systems," Tutorial at SC'01 conference, Nov. 2001.
Keywords: TAU, PDT, Kojak, Expert, tools

Allen D. Malony, Sameer S. Shende, Robert Bell, "The TAU Performance System." Presented at Super Computing Conference November 2002
Keywords: TAU, PDT, ParaProf, PerfExpoler, PETSc, Callpath

Allen D. Malony, Sameer Shende, Craig Rasmussen, Jaideep Ray, Matt Sottile, "Performance Technology for Component Software - TAU."
Keywords: TAU, PDT, CCA

"Case Study: PETSc ex19."
Keywords: PETSc, Callpath

Allen D. Malony , "ICONIC Grid Improving Diagnosis of Brain Disorders." Presented at Super Computing Conference 2004
Keywords: Neuroinformatics, ICONIC Grid, Brain Dynamics

A. Nataraj, A. Morris, A. Malony, M. Sottile, P. Beckmanl, "The Ghost in the Machine: Observing the Effects of Kernel Operation on Parallel Application Performance," Presented at SuperComputing Conference 2007.
Keywords: TAU, KTAU, Kernel Performance, OS Noise, OS interference

S. Shende, A. Malony, A. Morris, H. Brunst, W. Nagel, "Performance and Memory Evaluation using the TAU Performance System," Presented in SIAM, 2006.
Keywords: TAU Performance System, Open Source Performance system, HPC systems, performance mapping

S. Shende, A. Malony, A. Morris, K. Huck, "Tools for Performance Discovery and Optimization," Presented at SIAM, 2006.
Keywords: Performance Discovery, Performance Optimization, PerfExplorer, Multi-level performance instrumentation

Sameer Shende, Allen D. Malony, "Integration and Application of the TAU Performance System in Parallel Java Environments." Presented at SMPAG Java Interest Group May 2002
Keywords: JAVA, TAU, Java HPC, Performance Technology, Multi-Threading Performance Measurement, Virtual Machine Performance Instrumentation,

A. D. Malony, "Performance Technology for Complex Parallel and Distributed Systems," presentation at T.U.M. Germany, 2000.
Keywords: TAU, PDT

Allen D. Malony, "Multi-Experiment Performance Data Management and Data Mining." Presented at UTK 2005
Keywords: TAU, PerfExplorer, PerfDMF, Performance Data Mining

Bernd Mohr, Allen Malony, Rudi Eigenmann, "On the Integration and Use of OpenMP Performance Tools in the SPEC OMP2001 Benchmarks." Presented at John von Neumann Istitut fur Computing
Keywords: OpenMP, TAU, ZAMpano, POMP

Bernd Mohr, Allen D. Malony, Rudi Eigenmann, "On the Integration and Use of OpenMP Performance Tools in the SPEC OMP2001 Benchmarks." Presented at John von Neumann Institut fur Computing
Keywords: OpenMP, TAU, OMP2001, Performance Tools

B. Mohr, A. D. Malony, R. Eigenmann, "On the Integration and Use of OpenMP Performance Tools in the SPEC OMP2001 Benchmarks," Presentation at the WOMPAT 2002 conference.
Keywords: TAU, OpenMP, Expert, Opari, SPEC OMP 2001, benchmarks

A. D. Malony, "Integrating Performance Analysis in Complex Scientific Software: Experiences with the Uintah Computational Framework," presentation at FZJ, ZAM, NIC Germany, 2002.
Keywords: TAU, Uintah, SCIRun, MPI, threads, XPARE

Other Publications

Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony, Visualizing Parallel Program and Performance Data with IBM Visualization Data Explorer, IBM Visualization Data Explorer Communiqu Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 1, March 1995, pp. 6-8.
Keywords: ibm data explorer, parallel performance visualization, scientific visualization, visualization prototyping

A. Nataraj, M. Sottile, A. Malony, A. Morris, S. Shende, R. Minich, K. Huck. "Scalable Online Parallel Performance Measurement Over a Cluster Monitor." Presented at LACSI'06 (Los Alamos Computer Science Institute Symposium).
Keywords: TAU, supermon, Cluster monitoring, Online Performance monitoring

Steven T. Hackstadt and Allen D. Malony, Distributed Array Query and Visualization for High Performance Fortran, Peak Performance Newsletter, Portland Group, Inc., Spring 1996.
Keywords: visualization, distributed data access, hpf, parallel tool, runtime program interaction, tool framework

K. Li, A. D. Malony, S. Shende, R. Bell, "Online Performance Analysis and Visualization of Large-Scale Parallel Applications", Poster SC 2002 conference.
Keywords: Paravis, TAU, SCIRun, online, performance, visualization

Advanced Computing Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory: TAU: Tuning and Analysis Utilities, Supercomputing '99 flyer, Los Alamos National Laboratory Publication LALP-99-205, November 1999.
Keywords: TAU, profiling, tracing, toolkit, instrumentation, threads, Java, windows, HPF, MPI

Advanced Computing Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory: PDT: Program Database Toolkit, Supercomputing '99 flyer, Los Alamos National Laboratory Publication LALP-99-204, November 1999.
Keywords: PDT, IL, Analyzer, Program, Database, Toolkit, SILOON, TAU, DUCTAPE

Janice Cuny, George Forman, Alfred Hough, Joydip Kundu, Calvin Lin, Lawrence Snyder, and David Stemple, The Ariadne Debugger: Scalable Application of Event-Based Abstraction, SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 28, No. 12, 1994, pp. 85-95.
Keywords: event-based debugging, Ariadne, parallel, scalable

Stephen McLaughry, "Debugging Optimized Parallel Programs," Directed Research Project (DRP) report, University of Oregon, May 1997.
Keywords: Debugging, ZEE, ZPL, Optimizations, Mappings

350 items listed
Created: Sun Oct 27 02:05:26 2024